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Midoriya entered his house. It was rather quiet for his own liking. He remembered that his parents left on the little 'vacation'.

He sighed, making his way to the couch. As soon as he sat down he turned his phone on, to check if anyone called or texted him. There weren't any messages but he couldn't say the say the same for the phone calls. One single phone call, no one other than his mom.

He pressed call. Waiting to be scolded for not answering her calls, or for making her worry. Then, a voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Hello?" It was a deep voice. Noticing it wasn't his mother's sweat voice, he slowly backed the phone away from his ear. "Is this Izuku Midoriya?"

He froze as he heard his name.

"Oh, um. Yes it is. But how do you know my name and why do you have my mother's phone?" Midoriya was nervous. He was thinking the worst.

"Ah, well. You see it would be better to tell you in person. I'm free tomorrow so could you please come stop by. I'll send you the address. And don't worry I'm not a creppy man. I'm a professional doctor, working at a hospital. So please stop by. Unless you would like me to tell you right now."

Midoriya was unsure about what to say or do. He knew it was bad to trust strangers but something told him that he should go talk to him.

"Alright. But may I ask as to why you have my mother's phone?"

"You see. Ms.Midoriya is in the hospital right now, as well as her husband. They were in a plane crash yesterday night. We called you yesterday but I believe one of your friends answered."

Midoriya didn't know what to think. His mom got in a plane crash? Was she okay?
Did Todoroki already know about this, is that why he was acting a bit wierd? Does Kacchan know?

"Oh, okay. I understand. Please send me the address and what time you are free to talk. Thank you for informing me."

"Have a good night."

Midoriya hang up as soon as he finished. He was so shocked. He was litterly struggling to stand on his own.

He was now alone, without parents. He barely had money and he knew he wouldn't last two days without money and food. Also, the rent was coming up. Hopefully his parents will get discharged soon.

He already missed his mom.


"I'm sorry but Ms.Midoriya has sadly passed away."

He was still. Stiff. He couldn't move.

"W-what do you mean? T-that's not true. She isn't dead. She can't be." His voice came out almost as quiet as a whisper.

"I'll go get you some water." The doctor left.

He couldn't believe what he just heard. His mother was dead and his nasty so called 'father' was still alive.  He hated it. He couldn't live a day without his mom. And he would never want to spend a day with that man.

Midoriya held back tears as he felt alone. He already missed his mom. He loves her so much.

After he visited his mom one last time, he left the hospital. Tears threatened to fall as he made it back.

As he made his way in his house he couldn't even make it to his own room before he started to cry. His legs couldn't hold him up so he fell on the floor. He tried to hold himself up but be only fell back down.

He felt empty and alone. His mom was always there for him.She knew the right words to say at the right time.

But now she was gone.

All he had now, was a stupid step dad that would surely leave him. He would abandon him. Just like his other 'father' did.

A knock pulled Izuku out of his thoughts. He quickly wipped away the tears and blew his nose with a napkin before making his way towards the door.

"Hey, Midoriya. I just wanted to- Are you okay?" Todoroki aksed him, panic clear in his voice. Midoriya had puffy red eyes and his checks were covered with tear stains.

"Hey, Todoroki. I-im okay." Midoriya whispered. He was afriad he would start to cry again. Todoroki was worried about him. He never seen him so sad. It hurt him.

"Can I come in?" Midoriya nodded. They entered and sat down on the couch. It was silent but then Todoroki decided to break the silence. "Midoriya. Can you tell me what's wrong?"

Izuku hesitated. He knew he would start to cry if he said it out. So he shook his head. Todoroki sighed.

Izuku thought that he was kinda angry at him. But, then he felt arms wrap around him, enveloping him in a hug. They were warm. He hugged back. It reminded Izuku of his mother.

"It's okay. Let it out."

Hearing Todoroki's soothing voice made Izuku feel warm inside. The smaller boy wrapped his arms around the other. A small cry left his mouth. Followed by a sniffle.

Todoroki soothed Izuku as he rubbed his back. Occasionally patting the green hair.

The heart warming doings, made Izuku sob. This time he cried out loud. Letting all of his pain out.

"I-i miss her. So so much." Izuku said as his grip on Todoroki tighted. Todoroki let him cry. Not saying a word.


Izuku was now asleep on the couch. Todoroki placed a blanket on him. Making sure he was comfortable.

It was the afternoon so Todoroki decided he would make Izuku something to eat before heading out. He had to go somewhere in a bit.

So he made Midoriya some soup and headed out the door, not forgeting to leave a little sticky note.

Hello! It's me! I just wanted to say that they will soon become roomates so don't worry! Anyway, I hope you guys like this book. It's kinda sad right now but I promise it will get better!

I'm writing this at 3 in the morning, so I'm sorry for any bad grammar. I'll be sure to update as much as I can!

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