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Midoriya's eyes widened, his heart beat increased. He felt his face get warm and his breath hitch. He watched as Todoroki began to move closer, eyes never leaving his freckled face. It was like he had shut down, unable to move. He mouth felt dry and he couldn't say a word. Almost as if Todoroki casted a spell on him.

Todoroki also felt warm, his heart beat also increasing as he moved forward. He couldn't take his eyes off Midoriya's lips, they were luring him in to place his own on them. But he wasn't sure if he should. Midoriya never responded to his question.

Unsure, he tried to stop himself but he just couldn't. His eyes then moved to look into Midoriya's, as if asking for permission once again.

"...Todoroki, I-"

"Icy hot, I- What the-"
Bakugou stood there in shock. His hand soon turned white while he held onto the door, he had opened so suddenly.

Midoriya finally moved as he looked at Bakugou with wide eyes and he leaned a bit away from Todoroki. He began to walk towards the blond only to be stopped when he jumped, startled from the loud yelling.

"You bastard!" Bakugou shouted as he stomped over to Todoroki. Slightly pushing Midoriya out of the way, he finally reached him and in a flash, grabbed his shirt. Lifting his hand up to punch him.

"K-Kacchan! I-" Midoriya tried but was only interrupted again.

"Get out Deku!" He barked but kept his eyes on Todoroki, who seemed unfazed by the situation.
"I'm going to kill you."

"Midoriya-" Shouto fell backwards onto the floor. Bakugou's punch was hard and Todoroki felt blood fall from his nose.

"Kacchan! What the hell?!" Midoriya yelled as he walked over to Bakugou and grabbed him by the arms, making the angry blond look at him. "What's gotten into you?!"

"What do you mean?! Nothing is wrong with me! You should be thanking me because he was obviously coming onto you!" Bakugou yelled harshly and shrugged his hands off. "Why didn't you stop him?! You could have pushed his off! If I didn't come in time he could-"

"Kacchan. Please calm down." Midoriya said as he placed a hand on Bakugou's check. "He wasn't coming onto me like that, h-he asked and I was about to answer him. I was just nervous. Trust me, I'm fine a-and Todoroki didn't do anything wrong."

Bakugou just stared at Midoriya for what felt an hour, before he finally moved and glanced at Todoroki.

"...Get a tissue or something. I shouldn't have punched you becuase now you look like shit with blood on your face." Midoriya sighed as he knew Bakugou had calmed down and apologized... In his own special way.

Todoroki stood up off the ground and walked over to the bathroom.

"Stupid Deku. Next time don't be such a nerd and man up." Bakugou said before placing a hand on Midoriya's head to ruffle his hair. The green haired boy smiled but then smirked.

"Man up? That sounds like something Kirishima would say, don't you think?" Midoriya chuckled as he saw Bakugou tense up.

"Fucking nerd!" He yelled before slamming the door shut behind him.

Todoroki then walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his neck. He was patting his mouth with the side's of it.
His hair was also a whole lot messier than before. Midoriya had to laugh, but only on the inside.

They both stood still awkwardly as they realized they were alone, again. Midoriya was still once again and he felt warmth go up to his face. He felt suffocated.

"I-Is your nose okay?" He said, trying to make conversation. Todoroki slowly nodded in response.

They stayed quiet once again. The air felt more and more heavy as they didn't speak or move.

"...Midoriya." Todoroki said almost as a whisper. Izuku was lucky he heard it as it was so low.

"Y-yes?" He asked. His mind was going crazy and his heart was now pounding in his chest.

"...Good night." He said with a small smile. Midoriya felt all the blood run up to his neck and face. He knew he was bright red by now.

"G-good night, Todoroki!" He stammered out, accidentally saying it to loud. He covered his mouth with his hands, embarrassed. This made Todoroki chuckle and Midoriya could swear he almost fainted.  Quickly he opened the door with one hand and soon he made his way out.

Midoriya let out a big sigh. His face still red, and heart pumping fast. Everything happened so quickly he had to have time to process, so he slowly slouched down, back to the door. He brought his hands to his chest, slowly patting it.

"I've fallen, haven't I."

Hey! I hope you enjoyed this short chapter. Only 800 words! Anyway, I wanted to say thanks to everyone who reads this book and votes for it. It means so much to me and It always encourages me to continue!

This book will only last a few more chapters since problems are soon to be solved! Don't worry, happy endings are my thing. :)

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