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Soon they all were outside, sweaters and coats on. It wasn't freezing cold but just windy enough to make Bakugou want to stay inside. Somehow they managed to pull him out with shoes on and a decent outfit, hair as spiky as ever.

"So where to first?" Todoroki asked as he shoved his hands into the big pockets of his long coat.

"How about that carnival that opened up a few days ago? I've heard it's got great reviews and the scenery from the fairis wheel is beautiful!" Midoriya said cheerfully as he scrolled through his phone.

"A carnival! I haven't been to one in forever!" Kirishima cheered smiling brightly at Midoriya's idea. "Let's do that!"

"Okay." Todoroki agreed with his usual simple response. Bakugou on the other hand was already groaning.

"Ugh. No. Let's not do that. I rather die than be in a place with a bunch of annoying kids and loud music." Bakugou huffed out, crossing his arms and shaking his head in disapproval. Midoriya sighed.

"Kacchan. It's a school day. I doubt there will be a bunch of kids around, besides you know you love to play those games they have." Midoriya spoke looking up from his phone, giving a small smirk at Bakugou.

"Shut up nerd! I was a brat, now I'm an adult!" Bakugou barked. Midoriya chuckled shaking his head. "You know what? Fine! Let's go to that stupid carnival! So I can beat all your asses at every game!"

"Bring it Kacchan!"

Todoroki and Kirishima walked behind them as the two other males argued. Occasionally laughing at them or joining in on the conversation.

"Can I ask you a question?" Todoroki suddenly asked. Kirishima smiled and nodded his head.


"...Why did you dye your hair red?" This was sudden and shocking. He never would have thought Todoroki would bring it up on this occasion.

"Well... I just thought it looked cool and manly. Plus, it's inspired by someone who I look up to. I've learned so much from them." Kirishima said softly as he smiled to himself. "Why do you ask?"

"Just thought it was a huge change. You used to have it black, so going red was a good choice." Todoroki replied.

"Yeah. A huge change. I don't think it was a good one though." He chuckled looking down at the ground. Todoroki just stayed silent.

"Kacchan! Slow down!" Midoriya yelled as he struggled to keep up and before they knew it, they were in front of flashy lights and big machines.

There weren't that many people around since it was still early. Many of them were just workers or some other adults who had nothing else to do.

The whole carnival layout was big but not huge. It had your average things like, a ticket booth, rides, and the game booths with prizes.

Kirishima and Midoriya were the first to cheer and dash off. The carnival was open to the town so the entrance was completely free. Todoroki and Bakugou walked behind them.

"Hey! Let's play that!" Kirishima said pointing to one of the stands. It had balloons hung on the back and a guy stood in front of them.

"Yeah!" Midoriya agreed and they made their way there. "Hello! How do we play this game?"

"Well, the person has to grab one of these darts and try to pop the most balloons. Whoever of the two will win and get a prize from any of these hung up." The man pointed up to a bunch of different prizes.
"But to even play, it's five dollars."

Without any hesitation Kirishima was quick to pull out his wallet and give the guy a bill. Then he turned and grabbed Bakugou's arm and pulled him to the front.

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