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"Todoroki-kun. Thank you so much." Midoriya spoke genuinely as he sat on his new bed. Todoroki was helping him unpack. "You do so much for me and I really don't know how to repay-"

"Midoriya. I'm doing this because you mean a lot to me. I will do anything to make sure you're happy. So, please. Don't think you have to repay me in any way." Todoroki had stopped folding his clothes to look up at the boy.

He smiled at him with admiration and care. He still felt a bit bad about bringing Todoroki into his mess, but he was glad that he would always be willing to help him out. He couldn't ask for a better friend. And he would never.

Soon after they finished putting Midoriya's clothes away and placed a few things of his around the room, they entered the kitchen. Todoroki walked towards the fridge but before opening it he turned around again to face the boy.

"Are you hungry?" Midoriya nodded in response and sat down on a stool. Todoroki opened the fridge and took out a few things.

"What are you making?" Midoriya asked. Todoroki looked up and gave Midoriya a small smile.

"Katsudon." Midoriya gasped placing a hand over his mouth. Todoroki chuckled at his reaction.

"I'm so happy right now!" Midoriya smiled brightly and spun around on the stool. "It's been forever!"

"I know. I was going to give you some at school someday, but I kept forgetting." Todoroki admitted, slightly embarrassed. Midoriya chuckled.

"Oh! I almost forgot to ask you. Have you talked to Kirishima-kun lately?" Midoriya asked. Todoroki thought for a moment.

"Yeah, why?" Midoriya was quiet for a moment before sighing. Todoroki stopped what he was doing to look at him.
Midoriya looked hesitant to answer him.

"Umm... did he say anything?" Todoroki's eyebrows narrowed. He was concerned at how the boy was acting. It was as if he was trying to hide something.

"He just asked me how I was doing. I asked him but he didn't sound so sure of his answer. I'm a little worried. " Todoroki spoke quietly. Midoriya nodded.

"Yeah. He called me, and asked me the same thing. He also sounded unsure. I hope he's okay." Midoriya drew small circles on the counter in front of him.

"Should we call him?" Todoroki asked. Midoriya stopped for a moment. A bit stiff.

"Yeah. I'll call him later." Midoriya said as he walked to grab the remote control. Turning on the TV. "Plus. He's probably busy with his upcoming shoot."

Todoroki nodded as he remembered a few things from his call with the red head. He sounded so distant and sad. He was obviously lying to him. He wasn't okay. Todoroki shrugged it off.

"Hello, Japan! I'm your boy, Present Mic! You are watching, News-Daily, and we are going to talk about the trending topics!" Midoriya couldn't find a better thing to watch so he dicided to watch the news. "As always, we will start with the most trending hashtag on Twitter!"

"You watch the new?" Todoroki asked from the kitchen. He didn't know Midoriya was one to watch it.

"Nope. I'm just bored." Midoriya laughed. Todoroki nodded to himself.

"Number one, on trending is hashtag, where is red riot!" At this Midoriya sat up. "It seems as if the famous singer, Red Riot, has disappeared as of last night! He hasn't been found and there are many security's looking everywhere for him! Where could he have gone?!"

Midoriya sat still. Todoroki dropped the spoon he was holding as he heard the man yelling more from the TV. Kirishima was missing.

Midoriya finally acted and stood up spead walking towards his phone on the kitchen table. But as soon as he grabbed his phone. There was a knock on the door.

This was so rushed so I'm so sorry about any mistakes!

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