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Bakugou wiped the counter because he accidently spilled some coffee.

"Fucking coffee."He growled under his breath. If he screamed he would totally get fired, so he kept his voice low.

The door opened making the little bell jingle, singling that someone had entered.

"Welcome." He said in slight irritation. Let's just say that work hasn't been to good the past few days.

"One black coffee. Make it lukewarm. Half cold, half hot." The red and white haired male said monotoned. It kinda pissed Bakugou off. He didn't even fucking ask! He just demanded. I hate this guy already!

"You could at least ask." Bakugou let it slip. Dammit! Well, fuck it!

"Excuse me?" The guy asked. Bakugou scoffed.

"You could fucking ask. Don't treat me like your fucking servant." Bakugou spat. All the anger from the past few days fell right out.

"Umm.. I just gave you my order. Isn't it your job to serve me?" And that's when Bakugou snaped. He slamed his fist onto the counter. This kinda shocked Todoroki. Kinda.

"You shit! Are you trying to start a fight!" He yelled at the slightly confused guy.

"Well, no. Not really. You just started to scream at me." Todoroki responded truthfully. Bakugou growled.

"Bring it, icy-hot!" Todoroki tilted his head a bit.

"Icy-hot? No, my name is Todoroki. What is your name?" Bakugou pulled Todoroki by his sweatshirt.

"I don't care what your name is! And I won't fucking tell you mine!" He yelled. Other costumers watched in shocked.

"That's enough! Bakugou, let him go! He is a costumer!" Bakugou's manager came from hearing all the screaming.

"No! He deserves to get punched. Treating me like a fucking servent!"

The angry blond leaned against the wall outside. Holding nothing but his sweater.  Not in his work uniform.

Todoroki walked out of the cafe, with his black coffee. He was about to walk away when Bakugou stoped him.

"Hey, Icy-hot!" Todoroki slowly turned around to the nickname.

"My name is Todoroki. Not Icy-hot." Bakugou grunted.

"Whatever.  That's your new name. I got it from your stupid order. Who the fuck orders that?! " Todoroki took a moment to remeber his order.

"I like my coffee, lukewarm. Half cold, hal-"

"Yeah yeah! You fucking said that already!" Bakugou cut him off. "Anyway, I fucking lost my only job thanks to you!"

"Umm.... sorry?" Todoroki said, slightly confused. Bakugou scoffed.

"That's it!? Fucking asshole!" Bakugou yelled and grabbed him by the sweatshirt again. "Now, you owe me!"

"Owe you? Do you want money?" Todoroki asked, unbothered. Moving one hand to reach for his wallet. 

"I don't want your fucking money! You just have to owe me something when I ask you for it! Got it?!" Todoroki slowly nodded.

"Next time I see you, we are going to have a fight! So don't hold back Icy-hot!" Bakugou yelled before letting go of Todoroki. Grunting before walking away.

"Again, my name is Todoroki. Not icy-hot."

Yee it's our boys!
Also I wonder what Bakugou is going to make Todoroki owe him?
Mmmm.... I wonder.
Sorry for this short chapter! It was rushed!

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