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They all sat close together, throwing in ideas. It seemed Midoriya had the best ideas so far, aside from Bakugou. Though, Kirishima agreed to everything he seemed very distracted. Kaminari just shouted out the first things that came to mind.

"How about we throw him so he can run-" Kaminari was hit once again by Bakugou. Todoroki almost agreed to the idea.

"No, idiot. Let's just go with my plan. Deku distracts them, as Todoroki checks our surroundings. Kaminari jumps and tackles them and on Todoroki's signal, I drive away with Kirish-"

"Kacchan, you can't just leave all of us behind! At least you could take Todoroki."

"Hey! That's not funny!" Kaminari pouted.

Todoroki felt his phone vibrate so he walked away into his room. He sighed after reading the caller and answered it.

"Shouto. We need to talk."

"I'm busy right now. Let's talk later."

"No. I need you in my office in an hour. If your aren't-"

"Okay. I'll be there."
He hung up and sighed deeply, pushing his hair back, stressed. He really didn't have time for more problems. Especially from his father.

He calmed himself down before walking back to the small group, who by now were doing nothing but yelling.

"No! That won't work at all!"

"Well, your shitty plan isn't any better!"

"Guys! Stop arguing!"

He sat down next to Kirishima who seemed to be the quietest. He was deep in thought when Todoroki pat his shoulder. He looked over quickly, almost scared. He calmed down after seeing his face.

"Is something wrong?" Todoroki asked, looking back at everyone. He noticed Bakugou was now pulling on Kaminari's leg.

"Oh, no. Just thinking about stuff, y'know." Kirishima sighed as he rubbed his arm. Todoroki nodded. Kirishima was clearly not willing to talk about it. Though, it still seemed like he was troubled by it.

"If you want to talk, I'm here." Kirishima smiled at him before taking a deep breath.

"I'm just afraid of what will happen if they do catch me. Obviously I would have to return with my dad but... y'know." Todoroki understood that too well.

"Don't worry. They won't catch you." He said softly.

"Yeah! They'll catch these hands though!" Kaminari jumped in and hugged him. Kirishima hugged back, giggling at his comment.

"Don't worry, Kirishima. I promise everything will work out." Midoriya walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Fuck yeah. They won't even lay a finger on you." Bakugou said determined. Kirishima laughed and smiled at him.

"Thanks you guys." He said cheerfully. "Let's do this!"

"Yeah! Let's go kick ass!"

"Kacchan! We still haven't figured out a good plan! And stop cussing."

"Fuck off, Deku!"

Todoroki sighed and chuckled quietly. He wondered how he even survived living with all of them. It was chaotic, but he couldn't help love every moment.

As they were half way planning, he walked out. Whatever his father wanted seemed important, he needed to go.

Todoroki walked towards the all to familiar office door. He pushed it open.

"I'm surprised you showed up. I thought you'd be busy doing other things." His father's deep voice sent a small shiver down his spine. The man stood straight, looking out the huge window.

"What other choice did I have. Besides, whatever you have to say seems important." A loud laugh came from the man.

"Well, it's only a question. I'm sure you know the answer so it's not that important."

Todoroki looked at him confused. He didn't expect that, still he was curious.

"Okay. What's the question." The man walked towards the smaller boy. His footsteps only grew louder and louder as he approached. He stopped right in front of Todoroki.

"Now tell me, son." He spoke with a harsh and intimidating tone, clearly angry. "What have you been doing with all the money."

"...What?" He asked quietly. It was unexpected as his father never questions it. All these years, he noticed and now he asks.

"I said, what have you been doing with all the money! Do you think I'm blind! These past couple of days, my money is decreasing quickly!" He shouts and steps forward. "You have wasted more than I earn yearly, what on earth did you buy?! Is this revenge for what I did?!"

Todoroki took a step back.

"Tell me!"

"Why do you suddenly care! You always have enough money, go get more! Seriously, I work for you and you don't even pay me the minimum wage! I was working a part time job a while back just because you decided I didn't deserve my paycheck!" He yelled letting put everything he was holding back all these years.

"I-I'm your son! Fucking treat me like I am! I hate being treated like a machine! I want to do things I want to, and act in movies I want to! I want to be treated like any other employee, not like some toy!" He felt hot tears roll down his face, but he didn't stop.

"I deserve to help my friends! I deserve to let them stay close and be myself with them! I deserve to help my own mother with her bills! I deserve to waste money on the things I care and want to help! I don't want your money, but I do need some to support the people I love!"

Todoroki took in deep breaths as he tried to calm himself down. It felt refreshing to let all that out.

"Shouto. Tell me what you did with the money." His father spoke with a low voice.

"...I payed for mom's hospital bills." He confessed. Still, the man didn't budge.

"What else."

"...I let my friends stay with me. I bought food and things they needed." Todoroki looked up and stared into Enji's eyes. "They needed a place to stay and I did everything I could to help them. They are my friends and I will spend any amount of money to keep them safe."

Sorry for late update! I will be updating more as I have free time now that school is canceled.

Buckle up kids, the ride is going to be crazy!
*not really but still :)

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