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Bakugou groaned as they finally finished the plan. In his opinion, it wasn't the greatest idea he had, still he knew it could work.

Midoriya stretched his arms and legs before heading to his room. It was pretty late and they all were tired. As Bakugou got up he noticed the two sleeping guys. Kaminari was drooling and sleep talking about somethings the blonde couldn't understand. Kirishima on the other hand was snoring, Bakugou found it cute. Though he would never admit it.

He cleaned up a bit and came back into the room with a blanket,placing it on both of them. He tried to stop himself from smiling but he couldn't. He sat next to Kirishima and looked at him, his hand getting closer and closer. Then he realized what he was doing and quickly pulled his hand back.

"Fuck. This is so wired." He said to himself as he looked at every detail on the red head's face. Everything from his eyes down to his lips. "You're going to be okay. I promise I won't let anything happen to you."

He stood up and began to walk away before a hand grabbed his own, he was pulled down. Just then he felt lips on his. Opening his eyes he saw Kirishima's eyes looking right at him before pulling away slowly. His hands still holding his face softly. Bakugou just stared back at him.

"You better keep that promise." Kirishima said with a small as he looked at Bakugou's funny expression. "Good night, explosion boy."

He let go of his face and smiled at him one more time before going back to sleep. Bakugou was frozen still, then he shook his head. He got up straight and quickly walked into his room.

Just then Todoroki walked in noticing the boys sleeping and heard a soft door slam. He didn't think much about it and walked into his own room.


"Hey, Todoroki? Are you awake?" Midoriya asked as he knocked for the second time. Todoroki wasn't  answering and he hasn't came out. Midoriya and the others were worried, well Bakugou wasn't as worried.

Kirishima stood next to the green haired boy. They were the only ones close to Todoroki so Denki and Bakugou stayed in the living area.

"Hey, I'm sure he'll come out soon." Kirishima said, placing a hand on Midoriya's shoulder. His contagious smile on. "For now, let's eat."

Midoriya sighed before he smiled back at the red head. Kirishima gave a small tap on his shoulder before he walked away.

"You should come eat too. I made some soba.." Midoriya said to the door. After a small while he sighed once again, looking down. He then noticed the door was unlocked.
'No. Don't do it. That's an invasion of privacy.'

He reached for it, his hand making slight contact. Just then the door flew open. There stood a shirtless Todoroki.

"..Morning. I was washing my face." He said with a low, tired voice. Midoriya couldn't move, his eyes didn't open. Todoroki just stared at him.
"What's wrong."

"Oh! I-I just realized that I needed to go!" He said before running away. Todoroki felt his face grow warm and he quickly shakes it off before heading after him.

"So sleeping beauty decided to finally wake?" Bakugou said as he saw Todoroki walk in. He ignored him and walked towards the counter, grabbing a glass.

"Kacchan. Dont be mean and eat your breakfast." Midoriya said with his head hung low. Bakugou groaned.

"What? I was just asking." Bakugou said quietly before shoving a piece of bacon in his mouth. Denki laughed but immediately shut up when he got a death stare from Bakugou.

"Okay! I'm sure today will go smoothly, we just have to stick to the plan!" Midoriya said cheerfully and everyone agreed.


"Wait, Todoroki." Kirishima caught up to him before he left to his room. Todoroki turned around to face the slightly shorter male. "I don't remember, did we show you the plan?"

"No, but Midoriya said he would inform me as we go." Todoroki said as he put on the backpack.
Kirishima nodded before turning back. "Hey, Kirishima?"

"Yeah?" He asked.

"We are here for you. Don't think your doing this alone." Todoroki reassured. Kirishima smiled softly before walking away.

"Do we have everything?" Midoriya asked everyone in the room. Denki struggled to hold both his phone and bag, Bakugou had to help.

"No shit. I even went to that shity store again to get more food. I know how much you guys eat." Bakugou mumbled. Todoroki let out a small chuckle.

"Hey! I need my energy!" Denki pouted as he felt personally targeted. Everyone laughed at his effort.

"He isn't wrong." Kirishima laughed and Midoriya agreed.

"Whatever, let's just get this thing over with." Bakugou said opening the door. Denki and Kirishima cheered pushing past him in a hurry. He ran after them angry.

"They sure are loud." My commented as he and Todoroki walked after them.

"Yeah. It reminds me of my siblings." Todoroki said making Midoriya's interest peek.

"Siblings huh?"

"Yeah, Natsuo and Fuyumi." Midoriya nodded as he listened carefully. Todoroki didn't speak much of his family.
"They are always so happy and full of life, I wonder how they do it."

"Hmm, well, not everyone is always happy." Todoroki looked at him with curiosity. "I mean, everyone has emotions so they must feel sad or angry at times. Just, some are better hiding what they really feel to help those they love.."

They both walked silently towards the van. It was comfortable for them.

"Midoriya I-"

"Can you walk any slower! Come on, get in!" Bakugou yelled from the driver's seat. Apparently he had a van, which was a surprise to all of them. 

Denki helped them on before shutting the door and placing their bags down. They sat down and buckled up. Slightly scared about Bakugou's driving.

"Still can't believe you have this nice van Bakugou! How much was it?" Kirishima asked from next to him. He was looking everywhere on the van in awe.
Bakugou chuckled.

"Not sure. Might have to ask the old hag."


"I stole it, idiot."

"You did what!?"


I didn't edit this haha. Hope you liked it!

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