New Arrival

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~Chenle’s POV~

I woke up to some loud commotion from downstairs. I rolled out of bed, and wrapped a blanket around myself. I shuffled downstairs and saw a tall boy with blonde hair and milky skin standing by the front door. I rubbed my eyes and stared at the boy for a moment, he stared back. Jaemin turned to me and saw my attire at the moment. He groaned and quickly pulled me into the hall. “ Zhong Chenle! “ he shouted. “ why do you look like roadkill?! Don’t you see we have a new trainee?! “ With that, I remembered the talk about a new trainee. I quickly ran to the bathroom. I was wearing a half washed baggy shirt, boxers, and a blanket. I had bags under my eyes, and my hair looked like I just went through a storm. I peeked out and the new trainee noticed me. I smiled nervously and waved, but he just stared at me. “ I am so sorry about him. “ Jaemin said. “ He must have forgot you were arriving today. “ Donghyuck chuckled and smiled at the new boy. “ I guess it mustn have been that important to him if he forgot already. “ My cheeks flushed pink and I threw a glare towards Donghyuck. The new boy still didn’t say anything. “ I’m sorry for my appearance, my alarm didn’t go off and I just woke up. “ I quickly whipped up an excuse, still blushing lightly. He just looked at Mark, and Mark continued showing him around. I sighed and went to my room.

“ Oh Come on Chenle… talk about bad first impressions… “

Quit Trying- ChenSungWhere stories live. Discover now