Yuwin: Side story PT. 2

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I'm very sorry about these next few chapters, inspiration has been running low and i am not the best at writing. Thank you for understanding🙏

~ Winwin’s POV~

I was exhausted. I felt so uncomfortable in my body at the moment. I don’t know why, but I just felt so weird. I looked in the mirror in our dance practice room, Sweat causing my shirt to stick to my chest, and my hair to stick to my forehead. My chest heaved up and down as I took heavy breaths, harsh sounds escaping my mouth. I couldn’t breathe well for some reason. I walked out of the dance practice room, only to be greeted by Yuta.

“ Hey Sicheng, you okay? “

“ Geez You’re everywhere. “ I mumbled quietly. “ Yeah, I’m okay. “

“ You seem… upset. What’s wrong? “

“ I’m fine Yuta. “

“ Mn, no, no you’re not. What’s on your mind? “

“ Nothing Yuta, go away. “ I started to continue down the hall when Yuta wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. I could feel my still sweat soaked back press against his chest.

“ What’s wrong? “

“ yUTA WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?! “ I started squirming and trying to get out of his arms.

“ Just tell me what’s bothering you and I’ll let you go, deal? “


“ Why’re you being so loud? Calm down, “

“ Let go! I’ll tell you if you let me go! “

“ So there is something bothering you! “

“ Yeah yeah, so please, let go of me. “ Yuta finally let go, but he turned me around to face him.

“ Uh… I just feel, uncomfortable. “

“ With what? “

“ Myself. I’m not seeing any progress, and I’ve been trying for so long now but nothing Is changing. Everyone else’s progress is so easy to see but… absolutely nothing has changed for me. I just can’t do it right. “

“ Sicheng. Look at me. You’re beautiful, every single little thing about you. You’re amazing, stop comparing yourself to others. So what You don’t have a six pack? So what you don’t have a killer jawline? So what? You’re amazing. Just the way you are. Just know that. “ Yuta gently pat my shoulder and continued down the hall. I stood there for a moment thinking about everything he just said.

“ What the hell… where did he get all that from? I was just talking about my dancing… Jesus, Yuta. “

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