A Day At The Mall

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~ Jisung’s POV~

I quickly got dressed into a pair of jeans and a bright yellow hoodie Donghyuck bought for me. My hair was a bit messy, so I took one of Hyung’s baseball caps and began rushing to the door. As I was reaching for the door knob, Donghyuck opened the door from the other side. He smiled when he saw me.

“ Jisung, isn’t that my hat? “

“ Well yeah… but I was wondering if I could wear it? Coz my hair is pretty messy… “

“ Ah, sure you can wear it. Just make sure to ask me ahead of time okay? “

“ Okay! I will! “

“ Hey before you go! Don’t forget to bring your phone, call me if you need anything, anything at all, okay? “ I smiled and put my phone in my pocket.

“ Okay Hyung, I will. “

“ Well… Have fun! “ Donghyuck hugged me and sat on his bed. I ran downstairs where Yuta Hyung was waiting for me, talking with Winwin. I slightly smiled and walked over to them, Yuta greeted me with his usual soul healing smile.

“ Alright! Let’s go! See you later Sicheng! “ Yuta smiled and waved at Winwin, who just walked away. Me and Yuta ran out to the car and off we went. I like riding in the car with Yuta, because he always sings whatever is playing on the radio, and I like hearing Yuta sing.

“ I wish you would get more lines Hyung… you’re a really good singer. “

“ Aw, thank you Jisung! “ he squished my cheek and smiled. “ But as of now, I’m still not a main vocal. Maybe one day, eh? “

“ Hopefully! “ We both smiled and sang as it began playing Instagram by Dean. When we arrived at the mall, we both instantly ran to the boba tea shop. When we got in, I looked at the menu. I began to pull out my wallet but Yuta pushed it back into my jacket pocket.

“ I’m older, I have to pay, “ I sighed and let him pay. I wanted to get a smaller drink, because I didn’t want Yuta to spend a ton of money on me, but he ordered me a large with extra strawberry boba. We both got our drinks and I thanked him, and we spent the rest of the day in the arcade, and taking pictures. After a while we decided to sit outside and watch the sunset, since the sky was just so pretty this evening.

“ Jisung, thanks for coming with me, “ He said.

“ Mhm… of course Hyung, thank you for inviting me. I know I can be a lot and- “ Yuta pressed his finger against my lips to make me stop talking.

“ It’s fine! Don’t worry about it Jisung, you’re fine. I didn’t invite you because I had to. I invited you because I wanted to. “ With that he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer, giving me a side hug. I smiled and felt my cheeks go warm. It was so peaceful until Yuta suddenly decided to ruin it with his weird mind.

“ Y’know Jisung, you have really soft lips! “

“ … It’s called chapstick, Yuta-Hyung. “

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