What Happened?

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~ Chenle’s POV~

After getting lunch, I searched for the others. I saw them sitting at a table outside, so I ran to them.

“ Hey Guys! “

“ Hey Dolphin man. “ Donghyuck replied in a monotone voice, continuing to eat.

I set down my food tray ready to eat, but something was bothering me. I looked around a bit and saw Jisung sitting alone with his lunch by the front gate.

“ I gotta go to the bathroom guys… “ I quickly got up and left, walking over to the gate.

“ Jisung? Are you gonna come have lunch with us? “

“ No. “ He replied quickly, with a bitter tone. He kept his head down, and continued eating.

“ Well… why not? “

“ BECAUSE I DON’T WANT TO! IS THAT A GOOD ENOUGH ANSWER FOR YOU?! NOW GO MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! “ I was taken back by his sudden shout. Clearly he didn't want to be bothered by me. I went back to the table and sat silently before looking at Donghyuck. I tried to speak calmly, but for some reason it came out in a harsh tone.

“ Donghyuck. I think your boyfriend needs you. “

“ Where is he? “ He looked up from his food finally. “ I love how he didn’t even say anything about the boyfriend part… “ I thought to myself. “

“ Sitting over by the front gate. “ Donghyuck headed over to the gate, and I couldn’t help but watch. For some reason, I felt a little better after seeing that even Donghyuck couldn’t get Jisung to open up. But then again, if he won’t open up to him, he won’t open up to anyone.

I was so relieved when school ended. We all met at the gate to walk home, chatting about our classes. I didn’t bother waiting for Jisung, because I assumed he was either in a bad mood or he would just be with Donghyuck. But when I looked back, I noticed Donghyuck wasn’t with Jisung. He was talking with two girls. I looked around for Jisung a bit more.

“ Is something wrong? “ Jaemin placed his hand on my shoulder.

“ Just… looking for someone. “

“ Who? “ Renjun questioned. “

“ Uh, this girl I met in class. Chaeyoung… Oh yeah! I forgot she rides the bus, never mind. “ I just smiled and hoped that my excuse was good enough.

“ Hm, okay. “ We continued home. I sat down at the dinner table messaging a friend. Yuta sat at the table with me.

“ Where’s Jisung? “ He asked, poking my cheek.

“ I don’t know… “

We both sat quietly until Jisung finally walked in. He looked tired. He dumped his bag onto the ground and rushed over to Yuta, hugging him.

“ How was school Jisungshie? “

“ Let’s go talk about it outside… “ The two of them left, so now I was all alone in the kitchen. I sighed and took a moment to appreciate the size of the dining room.

“ I guess with me being the only one in here… it feels so much larger… and lonelier… huh. As expected. "

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