And Her

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~ Chenle’s POV~

It’s been a month since the incident with Jisung, I believe he has been taking his medicines again… and now he just seems like a different person. The good part is he doesn’t have his angry outbursts anymore, or his crying fits, but… the bad part is he shows no emotion at all. His face has been blank this whole time. He never smiled, frowned, laughed, or got mad. He showed absolutely no emotion, he was like a whole new person. He doesn’t talk much either, he just seemed to change completely. Everyone around me seemed to be changing. Haechan never even looks at Jisung anymore, Yuta and Winwin have become distant, Taeyong has been awfully quiet, and Doyoung leaves every night and doesn’t return until morning. It’s all just terrible. The only good part was I met this girl at school, her name was Tzuyu. She was nice, and she was always fun to talk to… now that I can’t talk to Jisung. Every time I’m doing something, I always think of Jisung… he’s always on my mind. I think it’s final, I know I’m in love with that brat. I began the walk home, it’s been really hot these past few days, so Kun has been picking us up. But I had to stay late because I had a detention, and I forgot to call Kun and ask him to pick me up. The walk home wasn’t long, but in this heat, it sure did feel like it. About halfway there I stopped at an alley way, standing in the shaded area to catch my breath. I pushed my hair out of my face and wiped my sweat away with my shirt. I set my bag down and sat on it, resting my legs. Suddenly, I felt extremely cold… an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach telling me to move. Even though it was the middle of the day, and the sun was blazing down on us, the alley still managed to be quiet dark. I heard footsteps, and quickly turned to see what it was.

“ Chenle? Why’re you so on edge? And what are you even doing here? “

“ Oh, Tzuyu! “ I laughed, placing my hand over my chest. “ You scared the life out of me… “

“ Sorry. What are you doing here? I thought Kun drove you home every day? “

“ Well he usually does, but I had detention and forgot to call him. I decided to walk home. “

“ It’s way too hot today, I could give you a ride! “

“ You have a car? “

“ No… “ She smiled and slightly shook her head. “ Not yet anyways. My brother refuses to give me the old car, says he won’t accept the fact that I’m old enough to drive. Anyways, I have a bike! Two people can fit! “

“ Ah, alright! That is better than walking anyways. “ Tzuyu smiled and we walked down the street to her house. Her house was nice, white modern look with a beautiful garden.

“ Wow, Tzuyu! This garden is gorgeous! “

“ Thank you! Me and my older sister grow it together, though she has more of a green thumb than me. “ She walked behind the house, then returned with a lilac bike and two helmets. A plain black one and one with flowers. I reached for the black helmet, but she handed me the one with flowers.

“ Sorry, that helmet is too big for me, you’ll have to wear it. “ She giggled. I reluctantly put on the floral helmet and got on her bike, we rode back to my house and she dropped me off, I saw Jisung sitting on the curb staring at me.

“ Thank you so much Noona, “

“ Don’t worry about it! “ She gave me one of those sweet smiled and then took my helmet. “ If Kun isn’t available and you need a ride, let me know! “

“ I will! Bye! See you tomorrow! “ She smiled and waved, then rode off. I turned back to the house and saw Jisung just staring at me with that plain expression.

“ Why were you with her? “ He suddenly asked.

“ Oh, well I got detention and- “ He interrupted me.

“ Why didn’t you just have Kun pick you up? “

“ I dunno, I forgot to call him. I walked about half way before Tzuyu saw me, plus she offered up the ride, so it’s fine. “

“ I would have preferred you called Kun then ride with her. “

“ Why? Do you not like Tzuyu? She’s so sweet! “

“ … Yeah whatever. Come inside, it’s hot out. “

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