My Trust

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~ Jisung’s POV ~

I couldn’t stop thinking about Chenle. It’s so strange… I’ve never really paid close attention to him. But now my brain can’t seem to leave his image. I will admit he was kind of cute… but also annoying. I groaned and rolled off my bed, hitting the ground with a thud. Moments later someone knocked on the door. “ Come in… “ I looked up at the door and saw Yuta. I smiled and sat up, he walked in and sat on the floor with me.

“ Good Morning Jisung~ Do you feel any better? “

“ A bit… thanks for asking. “

“ Of course… Jisung… have you told anyone else about what has been happening at school…?”

I sat silently for a moment, my stomach churned and I just looked down at my shorts once again.

“ No… you’re the first person I’ve told… “

“ Well, I’m going to tell Jaemin. “

“ No! “ I quickly yelled and looked at Yuta. He stared at me with wide eyes. “ Please Yuta… please I’m trusting you with this… I told you because you’re the only one I trust! “ Yuta avoided looking at my eyes, he seemed a little uncomfortable.

“ Okay… fine. I won’t tell Jaemin… I promise… “

“ Thank you… “ I hugged Yuta tight. He hesitated for a moment, but hugged me back. The pain in my stomach subsided as I rested in his arms. Yuta gently rubbed my back.

“ Jisung… I think I’ll start walking you to school, and picking you up. “

“ Why do you feel the need to do that? “

“ Ah you know why… “

“ Yuta. I don’t want you to try and fight anyone. “

“ Why do you instantly assume I’m going to fight someone? “

“ Because you’re always fighting Johnny and Winwin? “

“ … I’m not gonna fight anyone, I just want to walk you to school. It’ll make me feel better. “

“ Okay… fine I guess. “ I heard Winwin yell something from in the hallway.

“ Ah, I’ll talk to you later. “ Yuta smiled and ruffled my hair, then he left the room.

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