Good Morning

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~ Jisung’s POV~

I woke up still in the closet. I instantly pushed the door and scrambled to my bed.

“ Woah! There you are! “ Haechan yelled, walking over to me. “ What’s wrong? “

“ T-There… there was another… another person! Another person in there! "

“ What? “ Donghyuck waked over to the closet and looked inside, then looked back at me. “I think you just had a bad dream. “

“ I swear… it was… “ I just stopped talking and got ready for school. I was not at all excited, I knew today would be just as bad as yesterday, maybe even worse. I walked into the kitchen and saw Yuta, I ran up behind him and hugged him.

“ Oh! Good Morning! “ Yuta giggled, turning and hugging me back. “ what’s up? “

“ Just needed a hug… “ I mumbled into his chest.

“ what’s wrong? “

“ Ah, just a nightmare. “

“ Aw I’m sorry. Breakfast? “

“ Yes please… “ Yuta got me a plate and we both ate together, sharing our dreams with one another.

“ That’s so strange… “ Yuta mubled.

“ Yeah, and it felt so real… I was so scared… “

“ You poor thing… “ Yuta hugged me again. I stayed quiet and just hugged him back. After a bit it was time to head to school. The other members all walked in a group while I just hung around in the back as usual. Once we arrived on campus I felt the same sickening feeling in my stomach. I walked into my first class and sat down. Analyna, the girl I sat by, groaned as soon as I sat down.

“ What are you gonna ruin today, huh? “ I just stared at my desk not responding. Soon the room filled with students and class began. I wasn’t paying attention. I stared out the window wishing it would stop raining. I hate the rain. The smell of it, the sound of it, the feeling of it too. Everything becomes even darker and more gloomy when it rains.

“ Jisung! “ The teachers voice broke my sudden thought and I looked at her.

“ S-Sorry ma’am. “

“ Can you answer this question? “ I stared at the board, feeling my heart begin to pound. I began slightly shaking and the teacher just stared at me. Some students began to giggle while others sighed and groaned. I got up and ran out of the classroom, a sudden feeling of terror racing through my mind. I don't know why I ran, obviously I made the situation worse, but it's too late now. I sprinted down the hall and into the boys bathroom. I dug through my jacket in search of my pills, but they weren’t there. I must have left them on my dresser. I locked myself in a stall and began to cry. I don’t know why I was crying, but the thought of me crying for no reason just made me cry more.

“ I hate these stupid people. I hate this stupid place. Everyone! I hate everyone! “ I shrieked, letting all my anger out on the stall door. Of course I didn’t do much damage to it. But I felt a little better afterwards. I sat on the floor and continued crying, but not so loud anymore.

“ I bet no one would even care to look for me if I leave… “ I knew I didn’t have my backpack on me, but that didn't matter. It was practically empty, just some books. I decided to ditch school and spend the day alone at the park. After a while I got a text from Doyoung. I already know I’m gonna get screamed at when I get back…

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