But It Really Isn't

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~ Donghyuck’s POV~

I spent the rest of the day looking for Jisung. Everytime I called his phone, he instantly hit decline. I was getting worried when the sun set, I decided to head home and ask the other guys for help. But too my surprise, when I got back, Jisung was there. He was sitting a the dining table with his head hung low, while Taeyong scolded him. I hated the tone Taeyong was using with him, and I had the sudden urge to hit him. But, of course I didn’t. I walked up to Taeyong and he turned to face me, he looked like he was about to explode.

“ Taeyong-Hyung. What happened? “

“ Just… stressed about school coming up. “

“ stressed about school? School stress caused you to punch Johnny Hyung? “ I asked, my eyes now on Jisung’s slightly shaking figure. He didn’t say anything, and instead went upstairs. I sighed and looked back at Taeyong.

“ Will he be home schooled? “

“ Good heavens no! “ Taeyong yelled. “ No one wants him here! “

I didn’t say anything. I grabbed a glass of water and went up to the room, but I didn’t see him there. I noticed our closet door was closed, so I tried to open it. It was quickly pulled shut by Jisung, who was inside.

“ Jisungshie, open the door. “

“ No. Go away. “ I sighed and tried to open it again, but he was still holding it closed. I sighed and leaned against the wall next to the closet. I was waiting for him to come out, but I ended up drifting off to sleep.

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