Yuwin: Side story PT. 5

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~ Winwin’s POV~

Me and Yuta haven’t been talking lately… I know that it was a rather impulsive decision, but I couldn’t help it… I was so frustrated for so many reasons. I want to confront him about it, but I have no clue how to talk to him about it. I sat at the table stressing over everything that’s been happening, until I heard two familiar voices…

“ Hm, maybe we could go get tea! “ I heard Jungwoo say.

“ Yeah, that would be a good idea! Tea would be pretty nice right about now actually. “ Yuta hummed in response. I just sat there not saying anything, when I felt a hand on my shoulder, the person leaned down and whispered.

“ I want you to come with Hyung. “ Jungwoo whispered, then continued walking to the door. I awkwardly got up and went with, Yuta looked at me with an odd look before Jungwoo whispered something to him, then he just nodded. We went to a café to get tea, Jungwoo had ordered while me and Yuta sat at a table. I saw Jungwoo kept winking at me and nodding his head toward Yuta, I was confused by everything right now. I looked at Yuta, and he had been staring at me. As soon as we made eye contact, he looked down. Jungwoo set down our tea but said he had to use the bathroom and left. I started drinking my tea, when Yuta finally spoke.

“ Winwin… I’ve uh, been meaning to talk to you about something… “

“ What is it? “

“ Winwin… uhm, a while ago, when you kissed me… uhm, why did you do that…? “

“ I’m sorry… I was frustrated… “

“ By what? “

“ You. You saying I was Kun’s boyfriend. “

“ Oh. Why did that frustrate you? “

“ Because! I don’t want you to think I’m with Kun! I don’t like him like that… “ I decided to just get it off my chest. “ But I do like you like that, “ I got up with my drink to leave. While walking out, Yuta grabbed me. I couldn’t help but smile big and look at him.

“ U-Uhm… Winwin… I really like you too… uh… “

“ Ah, you’re so awkward hm. “ I smiled and just hugged him, I was happy that Jungwoo had dragged us down here, and I’m glad we’ve resolved this dumb mess.

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