Falling in more ways than one

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~ Jisung’s POV ~

Today I didn’t have to go to class, since I had thrown up so much yesterday. I felt bad because Jaemin had to clean it up, but he said it was fine. I had a hard time sleeping that night, so I chatted with Yuta until he fell asleep.  Since I wasn’t going to class today, I turned off my alarm. But unfortunately,Chenle still had his on. His alarm always went off 30 minutes before mine, and it has never woke me up before, until now. I groaned and sat up, looking over at Chenle’s side of the room. He was pulling on a sweater, struggling to find the sweater opening. I giggled at him and he stopped moving, peeking through the sweater and then tugging it over his head.

“ Oh uh… Good morning Jisung, why’re you up so early? You should be resting. “

“ Your alarm woke me up. “

“ Oh, I’m sorry!! “

“ It’s fine. “ I got up and walked over to the tape border I had put up. I sat right by the edge of it and rested my head on my hand. Chenle smiled and continued getting ready, then he walked over and ruffled my hair.

“ Eeeeee Why would you do that? “

“ You were sitting right by the edge! You were asking for it! “ he smiled, and I couldn’t help but slightly smile back. He sat down on his side of the tape.

“ Do you need anything? “

“ Ah, no. “

“ Hm, alright. I’ll come back during lunch to come check in on you. “ after a moment he got up and smiled, waving and then leaving the room. I sat there for a moment, thinking about Chenle. There was an odd feeling in my stomach… but not like a bad feeling like I would throw up again… more of a fluttery feeling. A very light airy feeling almost. I’ve only felt this feeling once before… In elementary school.

“ Oh… you’ve got to be kidding me… Zhong Chenle…? “

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