Mind Your Business

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~ Chenle’s POV~

I was sitting at the kitchen table when Jisung came through the front door. I was about to say hello when a furious Doyoung came down the hall, speed walking to Jisung. He grabbed his arm and pulled him into the living room. Doyoung wasn’t usually angry. He’s usually a chill person. But right now was different. Everyone else was upstairs, while me and Donghyuck were in the dining room. We both just sat there and listened. With every insulting statement shooting out of Doyoung’s mouth, my heart began to hurt more and more. I know none of it was directed at me, but it hurt so bad. I looked at Donghyuck, and he looked the same. He looked physically uncomfortable. After some shouting Donghyuck quietly ran upstairs, but I stayed seated at the table. I felt awful listening to the shouting. “ Maybe I should leave. “ I thought for a moment, but for some reason, I didn’t go. I just sat there… listening to everything. After what felt like forever, the living room door opened and Doyong walked out. He went to his room without a word, without even throwing me a glance. I peeked into the living room and saw Jisung sitting on the couch. His expression was blank, but the light coming in from the window was enough for me to see there were tears streaming down his cheeks. I wanted to hug him, but of course I knew he’d push me away. Maybe he would let Donghyuck hug him. I shook those thoughts from my mind and looked back up, he was just staring at me. As soon as we made eye contact he got up and started walking towards the door. I panicked for some reason, and backed up. As soon as I did, he stopped walking and stared at me. My chest felt tight just seeing him looking at me like that. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking… suddenly, he burst into a sob and slammed the door, leaning against it and crying. I backed away from the door and began heading upstairs. I started thinking as I walked up. “ Is it my fault he suddenly started sobbing…? Was it because I backed away from him…? Geez, I’m terrible… “

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