For You

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~ Chenle’s POV~ 

My chest felt tight, I took a deep breath and looked at Jisung, then down at my shoes. 

“ Jisung… you see, I’ve liked you for a long time… More than band mates… “ I was stuttering a lot, I tried to compose myself, but nothing seemed to be working. “ ever since you first moved in... 4 months ago… I just adored you. You are the cutest thing on this planet, and I was just so excited to be spending time with you. But… well you always pushed me away… Jeno was telling me my feelings for you would fade, but it seemed that you pushing me away made me more curious. And lately you’ve been much nicer… I love it! I love being around you Jisung, it changes my mood in just a second… but I just wanted to know… if you feel the same…? “ My heart felt like it was about to burst, I looked up at Jisung and saw him smiling. He leapt up from his spot on the grass and wrapped his arms around my neck, knocking me onto the ground. He just laid on my chest, not saying anything. 

“ Is that a yes…? “I asked quiet;y. 

“ Well, what do you think? “ 

“ I think… yes…? “ Jisung smiled at me and nodded, hugging me tighter. I smiled big and hugged him back, I couldn’t stop smiling. After a while of sitting there like that, we thought we should head home. While we were walking home, Jisung took my hand. I was smiling like a little kid who just got a puppy, I couldn’t stop. We got back home and as usual Yuta asked Jisung about school while I made myself a snack. Once they finished talking me and Jisung went upstairs to our room. We just watched movies for the rest of the day, sitting together on the floor. 

“ Jisung, we should get to bed. “

“ Good idea… Chenle, can I sleep with you tonight? “

“ Of course! “ I smiled. We both got ready for bed and cuddled up together. 

“ Chenle… will you be my boyfriend? “ 

“ Of course, Jisung. “ I smiled at him. He smiled big and gave me a quick peck on the cheek, then he cuddled against my chest. I closed my eyes and softly hummed… we’ve been through a lot... at least things turned out well. 

Well... I guess the story is over! I hope this was somewhat enjoyable, and I hope this ending is okay... I re-wrote so many different endings and just wasn't satisfied... A few friends convinced me to give it a happy ending, instead of a sad one... I can't even say that I am satisfied with this ending, but my friends seemed to like it the most, So I hope this is alright! Thanks for reading this far!!

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