Yuwin: Side Story PT. 4

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~Yuta’s POV~

Jungwoo and I spent hours at the arcade, I lost track of time. As the two of us left the bathroom, we noticed everyone was leaving. I checked the time, and realized the arcade was closing.

“ Holy crab cakes, dude, did you see what time it is? “

“ No, closing time? “

“ Yeah! “

“ Oh jeez, so it’s like, around 23:00? “

“ Yeah, 22:53. “ Jungwoo shook his head and laughed, I smiled and we left the arcade, wandering about. We went to a nearby McDonalds and got some food, too much food, and then we went home. By the time we made it back, it was 00:36. I saw Winwin sitting at the table, he stared at us, silent for a moment, then spoke.

“ Don’t you see what time it is? “ Before I could say anything though, Jungwoo just smiled and nodded.

“ Yup. We saw the time. “

“ You two are irresponsible. I was waiting for you to get back. “

“ Well no one asked you to wait for us, you decided to do that yourself. “ I just shook my head and took the take out bags from Jungwoo. I put them in the fridge and looked over at the two. Winwin was staring at me, I felt a bit uncomfortable, so I smiled at Jungwoo.

“ Thanks for hanging out with me… it really helped cheer me up. “

“ Of course! “ Jungwoo smiled and hugged me, and I hugged him back.

“ I’ll get to bed, see you tomorrow Jungwoo. “

“ See you Hyung~ “ Jungwoo said and then ran upstairs to his room. I smiled and sat down at the table, playing on my phone. While playing, I felt a pair of arms around my waist.

“ Huh?! “ I yelled and tried to turn around, but I was sort of being held in place.

“ I’m tired. “ Winwin said bluntly. My face began to grow hot and I just gently pulled away from him.

“ Then, go to bed. “

“ I don’t want to be alone. Plus, knowing you, you’ll fall asleep at this table. “

“ And what if I do? “ There was a long pause, then Winwin continued talking.

“ Then you’ll have back problems by 30. “ I smiled and got up, Winwin followed me up the stairs, and when we entered the bedroom I saw my mattress was completely gone.

“ WHAT IN THE- “ I started before Winwin just pushed me out of the way.

“ Kun took your mattress since he spilled sauce all over his.

“ Ugh, why didn’t he take his boyfriend’s mattress? “

“ Boyfriend? What do you mean? “

“ I mean YOU. “ I walked out to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, then I started walking down the hall. I was about to knock on Jungwoo’s door when Winwin grabbed me and practically threw me back into the room.


“ What do you mean me? “

“ Why did you just throw me?! I was gonna go stay in Jungwoo’s room since I don’t have a fricking mattress! “

“ Why’d you say I was Kun’s boyfriend? “

“ You aren’t answering my question! I asked first! “

“ Because I needed you back in here. Why did you say I was Kun’s boyfriend? “

“ I, well, because you’re always just laughing with him and I dunno! It was a joke! Can you get out of my face?! “ I was flustered, he was just so close, it was unusual.

“ Just because I was laughing with him? “

“ Well, you never laugh with me! “

“ And why’re you bringing that up? What does that have to do with you? “

“ I dunno! Can you stop?! Get out of here, I don’t even have breathing space! “

“ Breathing space? You have plenty of breathing space. Now if I do this, then you don’t have breathing space. “ Winwin grabbed me and pulled me closer, smashing his lips against mine. My eyes widened, and I just stared at him, I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t even kiss back, because as quickly as it started, it ended. He pulled away and shook his head, walking out into the hallway. I went downstairs and out the backdoor, I sat down in the grass with my hands over my head, still trying to comprehend what had happened. I was confused, frustrated, and well, just irritated. But I was also embarrassed… and a little happy. Eventually I fell asleep out in the backyard, even though I knew I was probably gonna get yelled at.

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