First confession

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A/N sorry about this chapter guys, I’m actually writing this on 1 hour of sleep! Don’t pull all nighters… they aren’t worth it, everything feels fake and my brain is being goofy.

~ Jisung’s POV~

As soon as the school bell rang, I ran. I ran out of that hell hole as fast as possible, not taking a second to even look back. My chest felt tight,I was light headed, and I felt like I would throw up at any moment. As soon as I got home I threw my bag in the living room and looked for Yuta. Everyday after school, Yuta asked me to come talk to him about how my day was. It was a good way for me to vent about the things that happened, but I never really told him everything. Actually, I barely brushed on important topics. “ Why were your knees really bruised a few weeks ago? “ he had asked me once. “ Oh, You know just fell while walking down the hall. ” But no, that’s not what happened. What happened was much much worse. I ran upstairs and saw Yuta sitting in his room. He looked up at me and motioned for me to come in. I walked in and sat on the floor near his bed. He was currently sharing a room with Doyoung, but Doyoung was rarely ever in the room.

“ Hey, so what happened today? “ I sat silently for a moment, I wasn’t sure if I was entirely ready to open up to Yuta about everything.

“ Can we go outside to talk about it..? “ Yuta nodded and we both went into the backyard. I sat down beside him on the bench and looked down, I was just so nervous, I felt like I would throw up. I fiddled with the fabric of my shorts as I explained everything to him.

“ It’s just so much… everything has been hurting. Everyday my body is just so sore, and when I’m at school… they make it worse… I never dealt with hard core bullies… sure I dealt with some that would occasionally hit me… but this is different. Everyday… tugging my hair, shoving me onto the gravel, kicking me, punching me, ripping my papers, throwing my books into the toilet, it’s all just so much for me to deal with… and I was too scared to tell anyone… there have been a few days where I almost ditched classes, but I didn’t want to get yelled at again… “

~ Yuta’s POV~

Jisung’s words were floating around my head. I felt awful… I wish I could go to school with him, and protect him at least. I was about to say something but then I turned to Jisung and gagged at what I saw. Jisung had his head down, there was a liquidy light brown substance all over his shorts, legs, and the grass. And the substance was coming from his mouth.


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