Run Away

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~Jisung’s POV~

I woke up early and saw Chenle sleeping next to me. I got up and crept to the bathroom, I dug through the cabinets and searched for my bottle of anti-depressants. But, they were no where to be found. I looked under the sink where I had sometimes kept my medications, but it was all gone, even my trazodone.

“ Looking for something? “ A voice out in the hall asked. I turned and saw Doyoung staring at me with his arms crossed.

“ U-Uhm yes… where are my medications…? “

“ Oh, your medications? You mean the ones you haven’t been taking? “ I froze and just stared at Doyoung, I began to shake. Doyoung grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs. While we were walking to the backdoor, Haechan glanced at me. But as soon as we locked eyes, he quickly looked away… I noticed he hasn’t been talking to me lately… almost avoiding me even. Once we stepped outside, Doyoung closed the door and began to lecture me about the medications, and why they were important. But his words just drifted through me, I didn’t catch most of what he said. I heard a few curse words, and something about school and being a good role model, but that was it. I did notice that while he was lecturing me, someone opened the back door and stepped out, it was Yuta.  Doyoung could tell I wasn’t listening, because in one quick motion, he smacked me. I was taken back by the sudden action and stepped back, my legs felt weak. My head suddenly felt like it would burst and everything around me was blurry. I heard Yuta yell something, but I couldn’t tell what it was. With all my strength, I made a mad dash into the house, shoving Doyoung away. I ran out the front door and down the street, my sudden adrenaline giving me the strength and speed to get far from the house. I stopped at a park bench, and that’s when my legs gave out. I collapsed onto it and stared at the street in front of me… it felt like so much had just happened all at once, it almost didn’t feel real at all. I stared at the street in front of me. All the cars zooming past at an average speed of 60 mph. I began to wonder… wonder what it would feel like to be hit by a car going that fast. I could imagine it being like a deer in headlights, so frightening for both the victim and the driver. I got up and walked onto the sidewalk, staring at the road… would the others even care? Doyoung and

Taeyong would probably be mad. I stepped out, one foot on the road, one still on the sidewalk. I felt the cold air whipping around me, the wind from the cars rushing by. And again, that same sudden adrenaline…

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