Warming Up To You

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~ Jisung's POV~

I've been sharing the room with Chenle for a little over a week now. I spend most of my time on my bed listening to music or working on school work, while Chenle was usually just playing video games. We didn't talk much, occasionally we shared a few words about school, but that was really all. It was a cool Saturday afternoon, and I was sitting on my bed working on a project. Chenle came in and flopped onto his bed.

" Why is it so hot in hereeee? "

" I don't know. "

" Jisung, open the window please? "

" Mn... " I looked over and saw that there was no window on Chenle's side, only mine. I smiled and hummed, continuing to work on my project.

" Oh come onnnn! Please? It's hot in here! "

" I'm actually a bit chilly. " I rolled my hoodie sleeves down and put my hood on, relaxing against the soft fabric.

" Then... I'll close it. "

" You can't. The window is on my side. " Chenle got up from his bed and started to walk over, as soon as his foot crossed the tape I yelled at him.

" Trespassing! Trespassing! You can't do that! I'm calling the police! 211, yes hello?! My roommate is a maniac! He's trespassing into my side of the room! " The window was by my bed, so Chenle hopped on my bed and leaned over to open the window. I grabbed him and tried to stop him, and it turned into some sort of wrestling match. I heard someone knock on our door, but I was too busy trying to keep Chenle away from the window. After a bit of fighting, I'm not sure how we shifted into this position, but I was laying down on the bed and Chenle was sitting on my chest. He laughed evilly since I couldn't move, and he opened the window.

" Noooo! Let me gooo! Get off, fatty! "

" Fatty?! I weigh less than you! "

" That's because, " I grunted and tried to push him off. " I have more muscle than you! "

" Oh? But you seem to be struggling to get rid of me. " He smiled and I swear, I was so ready to smack that cocky grin off his face. Our door opened and a confused Jaemin peered in at us.

" Uhm... am I interrupting? " He said, staring at Chenle.

" No, I was just trying to open the window since it was hot in here. " Chenle got off and walked over to Jaemin. I just laid there thinking. The fight really must have worn me out, because only moments after Chenle got up, I fell asleep

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