Not Sick Of You

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~ Jisung’s POV ~

After laying in bed for what felt like forever, I heard the bedroom door open.

“ Yuta? “ I sat up and looked at the door, but it wasn’t Yuta. Chenle walked in holding a tray with soup on it.

“ Not Yuta. But- “

“ A dolphin! “ I interrupted. He just smiled and slightly shook his head. He walked over to my bed and sat on the end, setting down the tray.

“ Chenle… Y’know what? “

“ What? “

“ You’re REALLY bad at following my simple rule of don’t come onto my side. “ I said smiling at him.

“ Well sorry I wanted to take care of you. “ He smiled and gave me a little push. “ Are you feeling better? “

“ Well, I wasn’t really feeling bad to begin with. I felt fine when I woke up, but Jaemin and Taeyong insisted I stay home. “

“ Mn, well at least you don’t feel sick. I got you some soup. “

“ Thanks. “ I started to eat, until Chenle gently grabbed my hand.

“ Geez, slow down. You’ll give yourself a stomach ache… “ For some reason I was tempted to throw the bowl of soup at him, but I didn’t. I continued eating, much slower this time, while Chenle just sat there thinking of what to say. I noticed that he seemed a bit worried, I wasn’t sure what about though, And I wasn’t sure if I should bring it up or not. Finally he looked up at me and cleared his throat.

“ Jisung… during passing period earlier… Yuta called me. “ Suddenly I felt my stomach churn again, and I set down the bowl of soup.

“ What about…? “

“ … Jisung… Why didn’t you tell me there were people mistreating you? “

With that, I felt both the soup and all the water I had drank today arise from in my stomach. I didn’t have enough time to get to the bathroom and I ended up hurling all over the floor next to my bed.

I notice that my chapters are very short… I feel on average each page only has about 300 words. Maybe I should set a goal for myself, on how long each page should be, but I personally enjoy reading pages with shorter chapters. But if you prefer longer chapters, let me know and I will work on that!

Quit Trying- ChenSungWhere stories live. Discover now