Yuwin: Side Story PT. 3

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~ Jungwoo’s POV~

I was sitting down at the table and I noticed Yuta staring at someone. I followed Yuta’s gaze, and it was directed at Winwin. Winwin was smiling at Kun, I don’t know what they were talking about, but whatever it was it made Winwin laugh a lot. I walked over to Yuta and poked his cheek, then he looked at me and smiled.

“ Hey Jungwoo, what’s up? “

“ Nothing much… Why’re you staring at them?”

“ Ah… I was just thinking… you know, I’ve never been able to make Winwin smile like that… “

“ You think he has a crush on Kun?”

“ Maybe… probably. “

“ Do you have a crush on Winwin?”

“ Oh yeah, isn’t it obvious?”

“ Kind of… I’m sorry Hyung…”

“ It’s fine. I hope Kun likes him back, I want Winwin to be happy, y’know?”

“ Yeah… Yuta, why don’t we go out? “

“ Huh? It sounds like you’re possibly asking me out Jungwoo, and if that’s the case then- “

“ No no no! I meant like, go out to eat! Or go to the arcade! “

“ Oh, sure, sounds like a fun time!” With that we got up from the table and walked over to the door, Winwin rushed over and tugged on Yuta’s sleeve.

“ Hey, Yuta. Do you want to go eat or something? “ I was expecting Yuta to say yes, and I wouldn’t have been hurt if he did choose to go with him.

“ Actually, sorry. I’m going out with Jungwoo, maybe another time? “ Winwin just nodded and walked away. Yuta smiled and grabbed my hand, and the two of us ran outside.

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