Still Ill

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~ Chenle’s POV~

Jisung hasn’t talked to me after what I had said last night. I have no clue why, but it made him upset.

“ I was just curious about what you told me! “

“ Oh my god Chenle! “ Yuta whisper shouted. “ He’s gonna kill me! I promised him I wouldn’t tell anyone! “

“ Then why did you tell me?! “ I shrieked.

“ Because you go to school with him and I thought you needed to know! “

“ Well… thank you I guess… “ I sighed and peeked into the room. Jisung was still curled up in his bed. Since it was a Saturday, I didn’t have classes today. I sat down on his bed, mentally preparing myself to talk to him. As I was about to say something, he kicked me in the side.

“ OW! “ I jumped up from his bed, and he threw both of his pillows at me.

“ Go away, I’m tired. “

“ No need to kick me, geez. “ I sat back down by the edge of his bed and quietly hummed.

“ Well if you aren’t gonna leave me alone, could you do something for me? “

“ Mhm, what is it? “

“ Go get me something to eat? “

“ Ah, sure thing. “ I hopped off his bed and ran downstairs, when I went into the kitchen I saw Winwin sitting on the counter playing on his phone.

“ Hi Hyung. “

“ Hello, whatcha need? “

“ Uhm, Jisung is hungry, and I dunno what to get. “ Winwin got off the counter and we started looking around the kitchen, searching for anything we could prepare. In the end I just made him more soup and ran back up the stairs with it. He was asleep so I just set the bowl on his bedside and sat down watching TV.

Ooof sorry this chapter sucked :/

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