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~ Chenle's POV ~

I was standing in the kitchen humming to myself while me and Sicheng were cleaning the table. I heard the door open and we both turned to the door. In walked a happy Yuta, with a sleepy Jisung leaning against him.

" Hi~ " Yuta hummed.

" Hi. Did you guys have fun? " Sicheng started walking over to Yuta, I stayed at the table.

" Yeah! But he's pretty tired. We walked around all day. " Yuta smiled and walked Jisung to the table, Jisung sat down and put his head down. Yuta said hi to me, then him and Sicheng went to their room. I was about to go upstairs, but then I noticed Jisung was still laying his head on the table. I walked over, silent for a moment, then I spoke.

" Jisung? Aren't you gonna go to your room? "

" Mn... Sleepy... " He lifted his head and stared at me for a minute.

" Chenle, can you carry me? " My chest suddenly felt tight. I smiled and walked over.

" I can try... " I attempted to pick up Jisung. He was surprisingly light... he was very light. I carried him up the stairs and into his room. Donghyuck instantly looked at me, he seemed annoyed.

" Oh. Chenle. "

" He was tired and asked me to carry him. Calm down. "

" I could have carried him, "

" Well it would have been dumb to go upstairs, then tell you to go downstairs, and then up again!" I felt Jisung grip my shoulder and groan.

" Stop shouting... please. " I sighed and set him down on his bed, he slightly smiled at me and tilted his head. " Could you take my shoes off for me too? They're really tight. " I heard Donghyuck let out a little groan from the corner of the room, but I ignored him. I started untying his shoes and i set them by his bedroom door.

" There, do you need anything else? "

" Hmm... No, I don't think so. " I nodded and began walking to the door before I heard Jisung mumble " Thanks, Chenle. "

Quit Trying- ChenSungWhere stories live. Discover now