This one is mine

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~ Jisung’s POV~

I sat at my desk, lightly tapping my fingers on the wood. I was nervous for the quiz today, I studied but, I knew I wouldn’t do well. I glanced at the front of the classroom and saw Chenle and Tzuyu talking. He had stayed up late studying, and he sounded so confident, I knew he was going to do well on the test today, he always does. After a bit the quizzes were handed out. I read the first question… didn’t understand it, so I skipped it. Next question… skipped it. Question after that… skipped it. I became even more nervous, I Didn’t know any of the questions until the sixth one. I continued going through the test, questions I didn’t know I tried to solve best I could. Finally I finished my test and glanced around, almost everyone was done… except for Chenle. I stared at him, watching his face while he worked. He was concentrating hard, I could tell. Gently biting his lip as he wrote, furrowing his brows while working. “ He’s super cute… “ I thought. I zoned out staring at him, when I saw him look up and our eyes met. I mouthed the words “ I’m sorry. “ I could feel my cheeks heating up. He smiled at me and shook his head, then continued working. Once he finished he turned in his test and sat down, looking at me again. I slightly smiled at him, making him smile more. Finally class ended, and I got up to leave.

“ Jisung! “ Chenle ran over to me, I smiled.

“ Hi Chenle, “ I said quietly. I noticed Tzuyu staring at him. She walked over and but in, slightly bumping me away with her hip.

“ Excuse me, but Chenle, do you want to get coffee with me after school? “ I started to walk away, when suddenly Chenle said something that made my heart flutter.

“ I would love to, but I’m going to get boba with Jisung. I’ll see you later Tzuyu! “ He ran and caught up to me again, I looked at him confused.

“ You’re not going to get coffee with her? I thought you liked her? “

“ Mn, well I like you more. “ He pinched my cheek and I smiled more, slightly blushing.

“ Well, I’d like to get boba with you. “

“ It’s a date then! I’ll see you later, Jisung! “ Chenle waved and went into his next class. I mentally screamed and walked to class, sitting down in my seat and barely being able to hold still. I was so excited for school to end, and the fact that Chenle called it a date. Tzuyu walked into class and sat down behind me, in her normal seat. I could feel her eyes burning into the back of my head, but I decided to ignore her. She’s not someone I want to waste my time with… and she’s not someone Chenle should waste his time with. She started kicking my chair, but I just smiled, still focusing. I heard her groan and she started kicking harder. After a bit of me not reacting, she gave up. Once the class bell rang, I rushed out before she could say anything to me, and I hurried to the school gate. I waited for Chenle, and after 5 minutes I saw him walk out… talking to Tzuyu. My smile faltered when I saw her, but I tried to keep my eyes on Chenle. Once he saw me he smiled and ran towards me, Tzuyu staring at him.

“ Well, I’ll see you Tzuyu! Come on Jisung! “ he grabbed my hand and ran with me to a tea shop, his hand felt really warm in mine. I smiled, I like holding his hand. We arrived at the shop and ordered, then we sat down together outside, drinking our tea.

“ Ah, Jisung, I have something I need to tell you later… “

“ Why not now? “

“ Now isn’t the right time, “ I stared at him with a questioning look, but he just shook his head. We talked about lots of things, school, the test, our friends, and some other stuff. After a while, we left the tea shop and started walking. We wandered about, we didn’t feel like going home yet. We stopped at the lake and sat down, Chenle was humming. After a bit, he scooted closer, the sun was setting and we were both watching the beautiful sky.

“ Ah, I love those colors… pink… yellow… orange, and purple! “ I hummed, staring at the sky.

“ I think, now Is a good time to tell you. “

“ Alright, go ahead. “

“ Okay… hear me out… don’t say anything until I finish… okay? “

“ Okay. “

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