Chapter 3

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The morning sun was shining brightly. Carol opened her eyes, but immediately closed them again. She felt tired, but surprisingly she didn't have a headache.
Someone knocks on her bedroom door. "Come in", Carol said. The door opens and Pepper walks in with a glass of water,"goodmorning", she smiled and gave the glass to Carol. "Thanks", Carol said as she took a sip of it. "How are you feeling?", Pepper asked with concern in her eyes,"you left dinner so early last night". "I'm fine", Carol waved the question of, she wasn't in the mood right now. "tell me if you need me", Pepper said before closing the door and leaving. Carol stood up and went to her bathroom. When she noticed herself in the mirror, she took a closer look. Her arms and shoulders were covered in bruises and, what it appeared to be, hickeys. She softly strokes over them with her fingers. "How did I even get these", she mumbled to herself.

After Carol had showered, she went to grab some breakfast. As soon as she filled her plate, she wanted to go back to her room. She walked towards her bedroom, but suddenly feels extremely dizzy. While stumbling towards the first couch she saw, she dropped her plate accidentally. Stephen comes rushing in at the sound of the shattering plate. Carol tries to grab the couch in time, but fails to do so, causing her to fall down in front of it. Stephen quickly helps Carol onto the couch. "What's happening?", he asked her worried, while checking her temperature. Carol immediately took his hand away,"I'm fine", she said, even though she knew she wasn't. "What is that noise", Thor rubbed his eyes while he walked into the living room. His eye fell on the shattered plate,"why is there a broken plate on the ground?". Carol tried to answer, but loses her consciousness. Stephen feels her pulse and Thor rushed towards them. "Is she okay?", he asked concerned,"is it because of the alcohol?". Stephen look at him confused,"what alcohol?". "The alcohol we drank last night, I thought she could handle it...". Stephen took a glance at Carol,"I don't think this was caused by alcohol, but I don't really know what did cause it". Carol slightly moved, but her movement was shaky. Thor quickly lifted her up,"I'm going to bring her to a doctor", he said while he walked towards the elevator. "Don't", Stephen stood up quickly,"She is part Kree, the doctors here won't know what to do". Thor stopped,"I can bring her to Asgard, we have the best healers in the nine realms". "They won't be able to find it out either, the Kree are very secretive beings, they never share their knowledge", Stephen walked towards them,"I want her to be save too, but we can't bring her to the Kree". "Then how would we know if she's oke?". "We have to wait"... 

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