Chapter 4

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Carol's pov:

I feel a shock through my body as I gasp awake. Everything around me is on fire.
It takes a while before I see where I am, which is not on earth. "Get to safety!", someone behind me screams. I stand up, but as soon as try to move again, I can't. It feels like someone paralyzed me, and I can't run or fly away.
"This is your fault", I turn my head around to see who whispered that in my ear, but there's nobody. On my left side I see some dark figure hitting someone. "No!", I screamed, but there's no sound coming out of me.

I start to panic. How is this possible. Suddenly the dark figure turns towards me. Those piercing blue eyes... The last thing I see is that the figure shoots me down, but it didn't hurt.

Thor's pov:

It's been days and she stilla hasn't woken up yet. I was sitting next to her bed in the med bay of the tower. I have been visiting her on and off, because I somehow feel guilty. 'Is this my fault' he quickly waved that thought away. Her brain activity has showed some concerning spikes, if those were true.
I can't help to feel the need to protect her... it's such a weird feeling. I wish I knew what it was, but the universe loves to keep me guessing.

I must have fallen asleep, but the next thing I know is that it's a complete chaos. Machines are making noises, people are running into the room and when I stand up, I see Carol is awake.
I rush towards her, but I notice her eyes are glowing and the rest of her body will soon follow after. "Hey, hey, Carol, it's me, Thor", I try to sound as calm as possible as I take her hands in mine, partially because I don't want her to hurt anyone. She looks up at me and calms down, but her hands are still shaking. "What happened?", I look into her eyes, which are filled with fear.
She looks like she could burst into tears any second. "That dream...", she managed to say. Dream? What is she talking about,"Carol, what dream?".
"It wasn't a dream", I hear a familiar voice behind me say,"it was a vision". Loki put his hand on my shoulder as I look at him in disbelief, "what are you talking about brother". "That everything she saw, will become reality", Loki looked at Carol with concern. "What does it mean?", it was obvious Carol was still shaken. "That figure you saw", I looked back at Carol as Loki talked,"that is your daughter..."

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