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The following day after Harry's 'visit', I find myself daydreaming more than usual. It's not that I'm even daydreaming about Harry. I just can't seem to focus on anything in general. I've been trying to do my homework for a couple of hours now but it's not going well. And on top of that, Shannon keeps trying to talk to me about her boy issues which aren't helping anything. 

"I just can't believe Alex didn't call me back," Shannon sighs, leaning against my door frame. I close my books and stand up from my desk, moving to my bed as I officially give up on my homework. Maybe I'll try again later when I can think more clearly. "I thought we had a connection."

"You've only been on a couple of dates with him, Shan," I tell her while leaning against my pillows. "Maybe the connection didn't build yet or maybe he just wasn't feeling it." 

Shannon shakes her head.

"No way. We had sex twice. If he didn't call back after the first time then sure I could see how there was no connection, but twice? Plus I could tell he was enjoying it. It's not like I was star-fishing or anything. It wasn't vanilla," Shannon groans. 

I frown. There's nothing wrong with vanilla sex. Everyone has their preferences.

"What about Michael?" I suggest, in reference to a boy she had a thing with some time ago. He was a complete sweetheart and a year younger than us in school. "He was cute and nice."

"I don't like his hair. Too short," she says. Then she pauses, a curious expression on her face. "Any idea where Harry is staying? I could try to swoon him. I bet he's an Adonis in bed." 

I roll my eyes. I should have known Shannon only liked him for his 'sex icon' status. I've had to listen to her drone on about his body and his supposed "talent" in bed. It felt a little invasive to even have that discussion so I never partook, but I always had to listen, unfortunately.  

"No clue. We didn't actually talk to him," I mutter. 

Her bringing up Harry reminds me of the gift he said he left me on my phone. While Shannon continues her incessant rambling about how "big" Harry must be, I grab my phone off the bed beside me and open up my photos app, it being the only thing he could have had access to since I have a passcode. Sure enough, he spammed my phone with a thousand nonsensical photos. 

Most of them are of Harry taking ridiculous selfies. He smiles cheekily in some, holding a thumbs up in another. Others are just of the corner of his face where I can just barely make out his features. I'm surprised he even left these if I'm being honest. I know how private he is so I wouldn't have expected him to willingly take all these photos of himself to leave on a stranger's phone. 

However, there's one photo that catches my eye. It sits in the midst of all of Harry's selfies and I think I find it intriguing because it doesn't even have Harry in it. 

It's a picture of a hotel notepad with the words 'Meet me tomorrow at 6' scribbled on it in messy handwriting. My heart starts thumping erratically and I zoom in, seeing the notebook inscribed with the logo for the Four Seasons hotel on Barclay Street. 

My heart starts beating erratically as a thousand thoughts consume my mind. 

Did he mean to take a picture of that for me to find? It seems like it was planted there purposefully, but I find it hard to believe Harry would want to see me again. We're complete strangers to each other and he didn't even know my name when he left the photo. 

Maybe I'm going crazy or imagining things. 

"Are you even listening?" Shannon asks, a hint of annoyance in her voice as she abruptly takes me out of my thoughts. 

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