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When Harry said he was going to plan everything for me, I didn't expect that to mean that I would be escorted to the airport via limo and then fly first class. Actually, my ticket must somehow be greater than first class because of all the attention I'm receiving. I don't know exactly what Harry said to who but he definitely pulled some strings. 

I'm escorted to and from everywhere, which is definitely odd. I can't tell if I feel like a celebrity or if I feel like a child but either or I'm not complaining. It's also comforting to know that I'm not traveling alone, technically. Not that I would mind being on my own, but I would have no idea where I'm going. 

Dragging my luggage behind me, I head towards the exit of the airport. I smile when I can just barely make out a limo driver holding a sign that reads "Ms. Christmas". I briskly walk over to him, him grinning as he sees me. 

"Amelia Christmas?" he asks when I approach him. 

"That would be me," I say. 

Without batting an eyelash, he takes my luggage from me and escorts me to his car. 

"I really don't mind taking that," I tell the man, but he assures me he'll take it. I feel guilty having everyone do everything for me since I'm more than capable but at the same time it's a nice change from my normal everyday life. I just hope I don't grow too accustomed to it. 

The limo is parked fairly close to the airport exit. I get in while my driver loads in my luggage, and send my parents a text message to let them know I arrive safely. 

The ride to Harry's is a little longer than I expected, and I spend the entire drive fidgeting in my seat and staring out the window. I can tell we are getting to the wealthier area of California by the way the houses look. They slowly get bigger and bigger, and turn into gated properties housing mansions behind them. 

I definitely feel very out of my comfort zone by the time we arrive at Harry's house, which is tucked away behind a gate. My driver, who's name I found out is Liam, punches in a code at the metal box, which opens up the gate. 

I stare out the window in awe as the huge house comes into view. It's very modern looking, the outside a very light grey with white steps leading to the front door. The driveway is gravel and there are little lights lining it as we drive up. I smile at the thought of Harry putting them all out by himself. I would say that he had them professionally done but by the way they are oddly placed in the ground, I can deduct that this was a homemade project. 

I'm eager to get out by the time Liam parks in front of the house. I stumble a little, Liam grabbing me as I do so I don't fall. 

"Thank you," I awkwardly say to him. 

He smiles in return and then proceeds to then get my luggage from the back. 

I go to help him, but I'm stuck in a trance staring at Harry's house. It's big and fancy and I can't believe I get to stay here with Harry. I've never been anywhere nearly as nice as here. 

As I'm staring, the front door swings open and Harry pops his head out. He smiles when his eyes land on me and in a split second, he comes running down the stairs and barreling towards me, passing Liam and he brings my luggage in the house. 

"I've missed you," Harry breathes, kissing my cheek and engulfing me into a tight hug. 

I blush and shut my eyes, relishing in his scent and touch. He wears this cologne that I can't get enough of and I love it. It's a husky vanilla smell that I could bathe in if I had the chance. 

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