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When I woke up, I had absolutely no idea where I was. I had a splitting headache and I also could barely focus on anything around me. The room was foreign and unfamiliar, but beautiful nonetheless. 

But then, after finally being able to think coherently, it hit me.

I'm at Harry's. 

It was early when I woke up initially, around 7 in the morning. I'm on New York time still so to me  it felt more like 10 am. Now, however, it's closer to 8 and I'm growing bored of just hiding out in my room . I can only putter around so much, so I decide to go out and venture through Harry's house. 

I make myself look slightly more presentable before I leave. I comb my hair and brush my teeth, as well as change into a pair of sweatpants and a crewneck sweatshirt. My outfit before consisted of a pair of plaid pajama pants and a tank top that made me fear one of my boobs would fall out so I figured it was best to change, for my comforts sake. 

I tiptoe out of my room when I'm ready and pad down the hall, looking at some of the pictures hanging on the wall. 

Harry's right. It's not very homey here. I was expecting pictures of him and his friends or family to line the wall but instead they look like stock photos of islands and vacation resorts. Yesterday, I was so caught up in the beauty of the house that I failed to acknowledge what Harry was really saying. Yes, the house is gorgeous but it doesn't have that comfortable feeling to it. It looks like he hasn't broken it in yet. 

I wonder when he moved in. He told me he hasn't lived here long but I wonder exactly how long. 

I sigh as I continue downstairs. Sunlight beams through the large windows, casting a glow across his entire house. 

When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I quickly make my way over to the windows overlooking Los Angeles. I don't think I'll ever not be mesmerized by views like this. I aspire to have a house one day overlooking something cool, maybe not Los Angeles but I could see myself in New York City or maybe somewhere where there are mountains or hills. Two extremes, but I love both. 

"Pretty, isn't it?" I hear Harry say behind me, making me jump slightly. I was so caught up in the view that I didn't even notice him come up behind me. 

"Yeah," I say softly. 

Harry rests his chin on my shoulder and kisses my neck lightly. His arms snake around my waist and I grab his hands with my own. 

It's the little moments like this that make me the happiest. I don't need grand gestures or anything big. It's the seemingly insignificant things that mean the most. 

"What are you doing up so early, love?" Harry asks. 

I shrug. 

"New York time," I remind him. I lean back into him and rest my cheek against his. "What are you doing up?" 

"I'm more of a morning person," he answers. 

Oh right, I think. How could I forget? 

"Right, I knew that," I mutter. "And I hate it," I half joke with him. 

Harry chuckles and tilt his head, kissing my cheek.

"I can't help it. I love watching the world wake up. It's peaceful," he tells me. "One of the perks of not being on tour is that I can actually enjoy the sunrise." 

I smile. 

"You're something else, Harry Styles," I whisper.

The two of us stand like that for a couple more minutes before pulling away, Harry kissing my neck again.

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