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I accidentally exposed myself to my snapchat streaks that I want One Direction themed crocs LMAO 



"So you're finally on track with your paper?" My friend, Christian, asks me as we walk through the streets of New York City. 

I exhale dramatically. God, I can't wait to be done with this paper. I love writing and I've been actually enjoying myself and reflecting while writing it, but the pressure from my advisor to finish it is getting overwhelming. 

"Yes," I say, feeling relieved from my meeting with my advisor I just had. "He's actually pleased with how it's coming out. Pleased, Christian. He used that exact word." 

Christian snickers. 

"Good. It's about time. Waken is a hard-ass and I know he's been giving you shit for this paper for months," he comments. "I'm glad he's finally supporting you..."

"Thanks," I mutter. "But hey it's almost complete and graduation is just around the corner." 

"I know. I can't wait to get the hell out of here, at least for the summer. Do you have any plans for after graduation?" 

I shudder at the thought. I should probably be more prepared than I am. My mother has been grilling me lately about my future plans, and quite frankly I don't really blame her. The only problem is that I have absolutely no idea what it is I want to do. In the long run I know I'd like to be a published author and make a career out of writing novels, but perhaps I should have applied to graduate schools instead of waiting until it was too late. 

"Most likely an internship," I respond, thinking back to when Dr. Waken offered to help me find one. "I don't know when I'd start or where I'd be, but that's probably what I'll wind up doing. I should have applied to grad programs for English or creative writing but I waited too long..." 

Christian shrugs as we continue our leisurely walk. Impatient New Yorkers brush past us, most likely annoyed with the slow pace we're strolling at but I don't pay them any heed. 

"Grad school isn't all that," he mutters, causing me to roll my eyes. 

"Christian, you're going to Columbia. Of course it's all that. Don't put yourself down. I think it's very impressive you got in and are going," I say. 

Christian smiles. 

"Thanks, Amelia. I just don't want to make it a big deal, you know? No point," he tells me. 

"I get it but it doesn't mean you can't brag a bit..." 

"Did Shannon hear back from any schools yet?" 

I cringe slightly. 

"Yeah," I say, slowly. "She...well she got in to a couple schools, but not the one she really wanted." 

She found out a couple days ago that her dream school denied her and it's been tense in the apartment since. I don't understand why they denied her, because in all honesty Shannon is one of the brightest people I know. It's a shame for her to be turned away and I wonder why the admissions committee opted to do so. Maybe she didn't have enough work experience or maybe they opted to just accept someone smarter. Who knows?

"Which school did she want?" Christian asks. 

I bite my lip. 

"Columbia," I say, quietly. 

I can practically feel the blood draining from his body as we round the corner to my block. Him and Shannon aren't necessarily the closest, having met through me only two years ago or so. I've always felt like there's been this rivalry between them, mainly just to be my best friend, primarily on Shannon's side, so this is just poking the bear. 

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