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Harry and I left London yesterday. Our vacation was short lived, like I knew it was going to be, but I didn't think it would be that short. Harry was vague when it came to the actual trip so I was in the dark about a lot of the details. I didn't actually know when we'd be leaving so it was a surprise when he told me the night before. 

I somehow convinced Harry to stay over my apartment when we got back to New York. He was scheduled to fly out later in the evening, but the truth is I didn't know when I would see him again. I still don't, but last night I practically begged him to stay just one more night just so I could spend a little more time with him. It didn't take much convincing for him to agree. 

The two of us are currently laying in bed, waiting for Harry's driver to come pick him up to take him to the airport. We've been awkwardly silent for a while now, neither one of us knowing what to say. I don't know why it's so uncomfortable but I think it has something to do with the fact both of us are scared to say anything without the threat of breaking down. 

I sigh and shift my body closer to Harry's. He tightens his grip around my waist and pulls me towards him. 

"I'm thinking I'll be here mid-April," Harry tells me quietly, breaking the silence. "Actually, maybe even before that but I don't want to promise it. My single is releasing the seventh so I might be doing some kind of promotional thing in the city around then."

I tilt my head up so I can get a better look at Harry. He's already looking at me, causing my heart to tingle. 

"Sign of the Times?" I ask him. 

Harry nods, a faint smile playing on his lips. 

"That's the one," he says, causing me to smile.

"I like that one. I think it might be my favorite song in general...but then again I might be biased..." 

Harry laughs and kisses my forehead.

 I tear my eyes away from him and nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck. I then close my eyes and try to remember his scent and the way his body feels against mine. Very lightly, I feel Harry's fingers tracing small patterns onto my waist. He does that a lot, I notice, and it comforts me. I like the trail of shivers he leaves on my skin in the wake of his warm touch. 

"I have another song I just wrote that I want you to listen to," Harry tells me, his voice barely a whisper. "It's not done yet so when I get to California I'm going to record it and tweak it but afterwards I want to play it for you." 

"What's it about?" I ask him, curiosity peeking my interest. 

He hesitates before answering. 

"That, my love, is for you to find out," he cheekily responds. 

I roll my eyes. Of course he would respond with that, but I decide not to press it. It's not my place to question Harry's musical process. I try to ask as little questions as possible, still not knowing what line is okay to cross.

"Hey Harry?" I ask, changing the conversation. 

"Yes, darling?" 

"My graduation is coming up in less than two months," I say. I feel myself growing anxious at the thought of bringing it up. "I - uh - well I know we vaguely talked about it but I wanted to formally invite you. I got approved for an extra ticket," It's silent for a second before I start rambling out of panic. "You don't have to come but I figured I'd invite you. I know you're busy but it'd mean a lot if yo-"

"I'll be there," Harry answers. 

I pull away from him slightly so I can fully see his face. Harry adjusts himself as well, laying on his side so we can face each other. 

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