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I'm in a much better mood the day after Harry and I got to London. After showering and then falling asleep together in his bed, we woke up and talked through some loose ends. 

We decided to let Jeffrey know we didn't want to make a big public statement about us dating. We don't want to post about it online, purposely get papped, or take part in any interviews. We just wanted to make him aware that we weren't going to be so cautious in the public eye anymore. 

Harry and I agreed to hold hands in public if we feel like it, regardless of who's around us, and if people find out, they find out. There's already some speculation that Harry is dating someone but my name so far has been kept out of it. Ideally, Harry would like to keep it that way for my sake so we'll try to steer clear of extremely public places, but if word gets out, we won't panic. We'll work through it together and brace ourselves for the storm that's bound to happen. 

I know that it's inevitable that people will find out my name, especially if Harry and I are together long term. I haven't really given our future much thought but I definitely don't foresee us breaking up anytime soon. So I know the chances of people finding out who I am are high and I'm trying to mentally prepare for it. Harry assured me that he'll be there for me always, and especially when that time comes. I know I'm going to need him because to be honest, I have no idea how I'll handle the attention I'm bound to get. 

Sometimes I wish things were simpler in regard to mine and Harry's relationship, but unfortunately these are extraordinary circumstances. 

Harry's worth it though. He's really special to me and I find myself liking him far more than I planned to. I didn't want a relationship for the longest time yet somehow Harry weaseled his way into my life and now I find myself falling in love with him.

I'm putting my earrings in when Harry comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. He kisses my neck gently before resting his chin on my shoulder - something I've noticed he likes to do often.

"Mum told me Gemma is really excited to meet you," Harry tells me, his cheek tickling mine as he speaks.

He smiles at me in the mirror, causing my heart to jump. I like us both being content and happy. We had enough heartbreak last night and I hope to God we don't have to deal with that again. Of course that's wishful thinking, but I can still dream. 

"Do you think she'll like me?" I ask in a rather small voice.

Something about meeting a sibling is a little more nerve-wracking for me and I don't know why. I think parents are polite and they might not make any negative comments right away, but siblings just know if they don't like someone and they're not afraid to say it. I know that because of how my family interacts.

"I think she'll love you," Harry tells me. He moves his hands so they're on my waist and he spins me around so I can see his face. Leaning down, he kisses my lips and then my cheek. "Don't worry so much, babe."

I raise my eyebrows, an amused expression on my raise. He's called me pet names before but never babe. 

Actually he might have said it once a while ago but I never focused on it until now. 

"Babe?" I ask.

Harry blushes. Clearly he didn't mean for that to come out.

"I - uh - you know-" he stammers, his eyes widening.

"I like it," I tell him. "Don't worry, babe."

I laugh and pull out of Harry's hands, walking back into his bedroom from the bathroom that's attached. I check my phone which is plugged in to the wall next to the bed and see I have a couple missed text messages from Emma. I make a mental note to text her either later or tomorrow. I don't think she's awake right now because of the time difference so I'm not in a rush to get back to her.

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