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The guest room that I am staying in is on the opposite side of the house of Harry's room. Part of me is glad because I don't want to rush into things too much with Harry and staying farther apart makes it feel like I'm not always in his business. I think some space might be good between us.

However, the other part of me just wants to be with him constantly. I knew that I was falling for him over the past couple months but recently, since we started dating, it's felt like as if a switch has turned. I'm still falling, but at a significantly more rapid pace now. It scares me yet at the same time I'm addicted to it. I can't get enough of Harry. He's always in my mind and I constantly want to be around him. 

It's a big struggle.

I sigh as I unload all of my clothes into the dresser in the room. I wasn't going to originally but I figured since I'll be here for about a week, I should. Living out of a suitcase can be messy and it makes me mentally disorganized. I don't need anymore distractions than I already have.

Harry's house is a lot more extravagant than I ever could have expected. It's elegant and modernly beautiful. I can tell that it's been redone within the past couple of years, or it was entirely new when Harry first purchased it.

After I get settled in my room, I take a second just to sit on the bed and look around. The room I'm in looks like it's never been used before. The bedspread is tucked neatly under the mattress and everything looks so clean. I wonder if Harry cleans himself or if he has someone else come in. I wouldn't be surprised if Harry took his time sweeping and dusting during his free time. He strikes me as the type to find it therapeutic, but I couldn't imagine he'd have a lot of time.

I eventually find myself downstairs after a couple minutes to myself. I feel like I'm in a haze and I find myself just staring at everything in awe. Emma would love it here, as would the boys. Harry has an infinity pool in his backyard that I could imagine us all swimming in.

"You alright, love?" I hear a voice next to me ask, knocking me out of the trance I was in.

I turn my head and see Harry standing there, his arms crossed and a small smile on his face. I blush out of embarrassment for being caught staring at his home, but to distract from the scene, I walk over to him and throw my arms around his neck. He quickly hugs me and nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck, his hair tickling my shoulder.

"Hi," I whisper, acting like I haven't seen him in ages when in reality it's been maybe 20 minutes.

"Hi," Harry laughs. "Did you get all settled?"

"Yes. Your house is beautiful you know," I tell him again. I told him earlier, but I can't help it. I feel like he deserves to hear it form me every chance I get.

"Not as beautiful as you," he responds in his typical cliché way, although my heart still manages to flip.

We pull away and he pecks my forehead before taking my hand in his and leading me into his living area. The two of us sit down on his grey couch, mere inches from each other, but it still seems too far away.

Ever since we officially started dating, I have been overcome with the strong urge to touch him whenever I see him, whether it be hugging him or holding his hand. I was doing well with holding my emotions at bay but I have since fallen hard and fast, hitting every branch on the 'love tree' at once.

"Are you hungry?" Harry asks, playing with my fingers. "We can go into town and grab a bite to eat if you'd like. I know a great Italian place. There's also sushi if you're a fan. Or we could order in. There's Chinese or this great burger place downtown...anything you'd like."

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