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Y'all I am seeing Rocketman tonight and I am so excited lol



"Can I ask you something?" Harry asks me. 

The two of us sit in my apartment, watching some random show on television. Shannon, thankfully, is out for class right now. We've been okay lately, especially after she helped me get ready to go to the club with Harry and Mitch, but I've been enjoying her absence. I know it's awful because we're supposed to be best friends, but I've been starting to realize the toxic environment she creates. I feel happier when she's not around, and I know I won't be judged for my actions. I invited Harry over due to my good mood but now I'm getting anxious, knowing that Shannon is due home soon. 

"Sure," I answer. 

I turn my body slightly so I'm facing him. My knee grazes his thigh and I rest my elbow on the back of the couch, propping my head up with my hand.

Harry looks worried as he runs a hand through his hair, a nervous tick I've discovered he has. He also twists the rings on his fingers and pulls his bottom lip in between his pointer finger and thumb.

It's cute.

"I know we're just taking it one step at a time and all but...would you still like me if I cut my hair?" he asks. 

I furrow my eyebrows as I look at him. Part of me is expecting him to be joking or teasing but the look on his face says otherwise. 

He's being dead serious. 

"Harry, I don't care about your hair," I tell him honestly. "Sure I like your long hair but I care more about who you are as a person," Harry looks relieved as he smiles at me. "Why do you want to cut it anyways?" 

Harry shrugs. 

"New album, new me?" he says, it coming out more like a question than a statement. 

"I get that," I tell him. I take a moment to study his features. He's very handsome with a sharp jawline and prominent cheekbones. He's also got a killer smile with those pearly white teeth and full, pink lips. I like the way his long hair frames his face, but I also think a shorter look would bring attention to his pretty features. "I think you'd look really nice with short hair." 

Harry runs another hand through his hair. It seems exceptionally long today, even though it couldn't have grown that much in the past couple of days. I guess I knew that it was this long but this is the first time I'm acknowledging just how long, probably because I've grown so used to it over the years. 

He'd be cutting off a lot. 

"I think I'm going to donate it," Harry tells me. He rolls his lips in between his teeth before continuing. "I don't know when I'll cut it, but I just wanted to make sure you were okay with it." 

My heart flutters at his consideration of my opinion. I wish he would know that his hair length wouldn't change anything between us, but I still find his concern endearing. 

"Harry you don't need to run your decisions by me," I remind him. I outstretch my arm on the back of the couch and place my hand on Harry's upper back, causing his cheeks to blush. "I shouldn't have an opinion in what you want to do with your hair."

Harry shrugs and sheepishly looks away. 

"I know I don't have to, but I wanted to run it by you," he says to me. "I need to make sure I still have a chance with you when I'm bald." 

I roll my eyes and remove my hand from his back so I can use it to lightly hit his arm.

"Don't be so dramatic. You're not going to be bald," I laugh, ignoring the other comment about him having a chance. I don't see him losing a chance over something so minor as a haircut but I suppose when appearance is a huge part of his career, that it holds a higher pressure in his life. 

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