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Happy Sign of the Times day!



"We're thinking an April 7th release day for 'Sign of the Times'," Jeffrey tells me. "And then sometime in May for the album release."

The two of us sit in the recording studio, talking about all the future plans for the album. He's been in contact Columbia Records and they want dates for everything coming up. 

It fucking terrifies me to think that my first album is debuting soon. What if the fans don't like me anymore because I'm pursuing a solo career? What if they don't like my music because it's not One Direction?

"Will it be ready by then?" I nervously ask, although I'm not sure Jeffrey is even the one to be able to answer that. "Sign of the Times I mean..."

Jeffrey gives me a look, furrowing his eyebrows and cocking his head to the side.

"Harry, it's ready now," he tells me. "Hypothetically we could literally release it tonight and it would be perfect. We just have to get the music video in order but I'll let you know when all the details are finalized with the filming location, etcetera..."

I huff dramatically and lean back in the chair I'm sitting in. 

I know he's right. The song is all ready to go basically, minus the music video. I guess I'm just scared to release it, knowing my solo music will soon be out there for the world to hear. 

"So 'Sign of the Times' is the first single..." I say. 

Jeffrey nods. 

"Right, unless you'd rather do one of the others but I think 'Sign of the Times' is a solid start. I was also thinking we could incorporate some of the piano in it for your solo promo video, but we can discuss that more in depth tomorrow....Now you can have as many singles as you'd like but I'd aim for two or three max, incase you wanted to start brainstorming the others. Might I recommend 'Kiwi' for one?" he suggests with a grin. 

I laugh and roll my eyes.

"'Kiwi' is too out there to be released as a single. The song makes no sense lyrically. I was just getting out all my pent up energy," I tell him. "It's fun but...I dunno, I don't think it's a solo song..."

Jeffrey shrugs.

"I like it. And I doubt anyone's actually going to be paying attention to the lyrics," he tells me.

I raise my eyebrows at him. 

"Amelia paid attention..." I point out, instantly curing my hear tot ache at the mention of her name. 

I haven't seen her in about two months. That's the longest I've gone without seeing her since we met. The last time I had to leave I wound up flying to New York to try to rectify everything. But this is different. I can't take off work right now and I really don't know when I'll get to see her again. It feels like we've been apart longer than we've been together. 

I'm surprised she still wants to date me, honestly. Phone calls and FaceTime and texts can only do so much. Of course I'm used to be away from friends and family for long periods of time, but I know Amelia isn't. 

What if she realizes I'm not worth it?

"How's she doing, Harry?" Jeffrey asks me, a sad smile on his face. 

I sigh. He must have noticed the dejected look I got on my face. 

"She's good. She's been working a lot on her thesis paper for school and I believe she's trying to get some sort of an internship for the summer or next year," I explain. I twist the rose ring on my finger, thinking about my beautiful girl. "I'm hoping to see her soon." 

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