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The real question is: should I attend my Zoom class tomorrow morning lol



I'm anxious as I pack my bag.

Harry called me about two nights ago and asked if I'd be willing to go on an "adventure" with him. He said he managed to pull some strings in order to get time off from work for a little bit and he wanted to know if I'd like to go to England with him to meet Robin and Gemma. Of course I agreed, but I didn't realize he wanted to leave so soon. 

Soon as in today soon.

I'm a little nervous because I didn't get to mentally prepare to see Harry, let alone travel across the world with him. But I'm also excited and giddy like a kid on Christmas Day. I haven't seen him in two months, just about, so I'm incredibly thrilled to see him. I don't think my heart rate has slowed down since he told me the news a couple nights ago.

I carefully pick out what clothes I want to bring. Harry mentioned the weather is pretty similar to here in New York at this time of the year so I just pack what I normally would wear, plus a couple other things. 

It's just clothes, I remind myself. Worst comes to worst I can buy something if I didn't pack correctly.

I groan. I don't even know how much money I have to spend, though. I know Harry offers to buy me pretty much anything I could think of but I don't want to rely on him for everything. It just makes me feel shitty, to be honest.

The buzzer system in my apartment suddenly goes off. My heart starts to beat uncontrollably as I quickly rush to the intercom on the wall by the front door.

"Hello?" I answer, pressing the red button.

"Guess who?" I hear Harry's voice through the box.

I don't respond, but I press the unlock button so that he can come up. I'm pacing the room the entire time, patiently waiting for him. As soon as he knocks on the door, I whip it open as fast as I can. Sure enough Harry stands there, clad in blue bellbottom jeans, a white shirt and a long, black raincoat overtop. He grins at me and I waste no time throwing my arms around his neck.

Harry's arms snake around my waist and he picks me up, walking further into my apartment while spinning me around. I'm so overwhelmed with happiness from being able to see him again that I can barely contain myself.

"I've missed you," Harry whispers in my ear.

"I missed you too," I reply.

He puts me down and I immediately move my arms so I can cup his face. Leaning in, I waste no time in pressing my lips to his. 

The kiss is feverish beyond belief, both of us having been deprived of each other for the past couple months. It's nothing but wrestling tongues and clashing teeth - definitely not romantic, but I don't care. By the time we pull away both of us are breathless with slightly swollen lips and happy eyes.

"You look beautiful, lovebug," Harry tells me as I quickly shut the door. I forgot it was open. "You got a haircut..."

I smile at him and take his hand in mine, leading him to my room so he can accompany me while I finish packing.

"I did. Nothing dramatic. Just a couple inches and some layers," I tell him.

Harry let's go of my hand when we enter my room and runs it through my hair, just taking this time to stare at me. He does this two or three times before one of his rings snags, pulling roughly on a couple strands of hair.

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