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It's definitely weird to see one of my best mates befriending the girl I've been swooning over. The two wound up exchanging phone numbers last night and have been texting fairly frequently since. I don't necessarily feel weird about it, but at the same time it's strange how willing I am to let Amelia into my life so easily. Louis exists in a whole other realm in my life that almost no one ever gets invited to visit, yet it was an easy to decision to have him and Amelia meet. Even if it was just a birthday present for her, it makes me feel better knowing he adores her. 

"How's Louis?" I ask Amelia, getting consumed in my thoughts. 

I sit on my bed, Amelia laying down on her stomach next to me. Her hair falls in her eyes and I'm tempted every second to run my fingers through it to move it out of the way. She's so unbelievably beautiful and I want to touch her in every way possible. It's hard to restrain myself but I promised myself I wouldn't push her. She wants to go slow and I respect that. I don't want to ruin it by rushing things, and I don't know what her limit is.

"He's good," she says, grinning at me. She puts her phone down and just looks up at me, her eyes shining as they bore into mine. My heart melts a little as I look at her. "He's telling me all about you."

And just like that my fawning ends. Louis knows too many things about me, and I him. I could only imagine what he's telling her. Perhaps them getting together was an awful idea. What if he tells the story of how I got completely drunk and stripped in front of the boys? Or he could share the story of how I almost shit myself on the tour bus because of something we ate in Brazil. 

"Please tell me he isn't saying anything bad," I groan, my mind now wandering with the endless possibilities of what Louis could be saying. 

Amelia laughs, a cute smile appearing on her face. 

"No. But I can't make promises for the future," she says.

"Fair enough," I chuckle, feeling a little more relieved than I was. I make a mental note to talk to Louis later to warn him not to say anything bad or embarrassing about me. 

I shift slightly so that I'm laying down next to Amelia. Feeling frustrated with my hesitating, I throw one of my arms around her and pull her into me. I'm half expecting her to resist or to be tentative, but she quickly rests her head on my chest and snuggles closer to my side, causing me to sigh in relief. 

I wish I could take this moment in forever, like a picture embedded into my mind. I mindlessly trace patterns into Amelia's arm, trying to memorize her touch. I'm dreading this conversation with her I need to have right now and I could only hope that this won't be the last time we're together like this. 

"I - uh -" I stutter. "I'm leaving soon," I say, quietly and bluntly. 

I feel Amelia tense underneath my touch.

"When?" She asks, softly. 


I wasn't expecting to leave so soon. I found out right before Amelia came over today. Jeffrey, my manager,  had called me and said the studio needs me back in California to record some songs for my album. Apparently, I've been pushing the line with due dates and now my schedule is a little tighter than I thought. 

"Oh," Amelia says, her voice sounding sad. 

I feel a twinge of pain in my chest. I hate feelings, I really do, but I feel hard. I always have. I'm always the first to fall for the other person and I'm always the first to get heartbroken. I think maybe that's why I've been reluctant for the past five or so years to get into a serious relationship. It's only been quick hookups and flings. At least until I met Amelia, anyway. 

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