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I'm in a mood the day after Harry abruptly left. When I came out of the bathroom, Shannon informed me Harry had to go meet with his manager unexpectedly. I know things come up but this was out of the ordinary for him. I would have thought he would have waited until I came out to tell me instead of just leaving like that. And what's even worse is the fact that he hasn't called or texted. I tried reaching out but to no prevail and I don't understand it.

I huff as I hit print on my printer. Dr. Wakin needs the final rough draft of my project this weekend so he can look it over one more time before I submit it for the final time. I'm not necessarily nervous about it, but there is always the concern that he will absolutely hate what I have to offer.

My phone rings, causing me to jump. I walk over to my bed where my phone is laying on top of the covers and see Mitch calling me. My heart drops a little as I was hoping it would be Harry. Sighing slightly, I pick it up.

"Hey Mitch," I answer it, pushing my disappointment to the back of my head.

I sit down on the edge of my bed while I watch my printer take forever to print.

"Hey Amelia," he says, his voice sounding muffled. "Look I - uh - it's not my business but Harry's a little upset..."

I furrow my eyebrows, my heart skipping a beat at the mention of his name.

"What? Why?" I ask, feeling slightly concerned.

"I'm not sure entirely. He's been closed off about it but he...he thinks you're using him," he tells me, whispering the last part.

What? I feel my heart rate pick up. He thinks I'm using him? Why the hell would he think that? Is that why he left so abruptly yesterday?

"Why does he think that? I'm not using him, Mitch, you know that," I say, frantically.

I bite my thumb out of nerves. I don't understand where Harry got this idea and why he wouldn't talk to me.

"I know, Amelia. He said something about your roommate talking to him-"

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, I guess she mentioned something about you using him for a good grade or something like that...again, Harry hasn't mentioned specifics but I managed to get that out of him."

Shannon told Harry I was using him? That doesn't make any sense. I thought the two of us were on good terms. In fact, we were never not on good terms unless it was her own doing because of her feelings towards Harry. But why on Earth would she tell Harry that I'm using him? And for a good grade?

But then it dawns on me.

She told him about my senior project.

"I am not using him," I reiterate, my voice sounding louder than usual. I exhale aggressively. "I wrote my senior paper about him, yes, but it's not like that. If you'd read it, you'd know."

"I figured you wouldn't do anything like that. I tried telling Harry but he's upset and won't listen to me. I thought maybe if you came and tried to talk to him it would calm him down and he'd see that your roommate was lying to him. I know it's not my place but I don't know what else to do. He's just being...stubborn right now."

I bounce my leg while I think. I'm scared to face Harry now but we need to talk. I wish he would have talked about this from the beginning instead of walking out last night, but I guess I don't really blame him. I'd be upset too if were in his position.

"Yeah I can talk to him," I say.

"Okay," Mitch breathes a sigh of relief. "I'm at the hotel right now with him if you want to come here."

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