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Okay I know this picture is edited lmfao and NOT BY ME. Just role with it



Harry hands me a bottle of water and 2 aspirins. I thank him as he sits down beside me, our thighs touching which still manages to make my heart flutter even though I'm tired and out of it.

"Are you feeling better?" Harry softly asks me as I open up the bottle and take a sip, swallowing the pills with it. 

I nod, my brain feeling like it's knocking around in my skull.

"A little," I say, my voice sounding a bit scratchy. 

I woke up with the worst hangover this morning. Normally, I'm decently okay after a night out, but I must have drunk something that didn't sit right with me. I just wish I could remember what. Harry kept disappearing last night only to come back with various concoctions he claimed to have come up with. I wouldn't be surprised if he mixed multiple liquors together. It sure tasted and looked like he did. 

Besides not being able to remember how I got home last night, the night was really fun. Mitch, Harry, and I drank and danced and just let loose, which is something I haven't done in a while. It was refreshing, to say the least, and also quite amusing because I got to witness Harry's horrible dance moves. He kind of moves like a confident grandpa, and I have no idea how else to explain that. It suits him though, and somehow he makes it work. 

He also makes it look hot. My drunk brain last night was a cluster of emotions, most of them horny but that was probably due to the insane amount of alcohol coursing through me. I had to mentally scold myself at some points during the night for thinking of such vulgar thoughts. I'm not typically sex-hungry but last night was an exception.  

Currently, Harry and I sit on a small couch in this recording studio fairly close to my apartment, where he's been working on his album. He called me this morning and asked if I wanted to come with him, and naturally, I agreed. I also brought some of my own schoolwork so we could work together. Although I feel like shit, I really wanted to see him again. I found myself missing his presence even though we were only apart for less than 12 hours.  

"So how long have you been working on this album?" I ask Harry. 

I take another sip of water, the cool liquid feeling good as it goes down. 

Harry shrugs as he thinks and runs a hand through his knotted hair. It's messy today, probably from not having washed it yesterday, but it still looks good. 

Fuck him, honestly. I woke up looking like a raccoon with makeup smudged all under my eyes and my hair an absolute wreck, and here he is, glowing as always.

 "A little while now," Harry says. He looks at me with that familiar glint in his green eyes. "I've had ideas for years now, and I've projected some of them in One Direction's songs, but others I've saved for myself. Things really picked up over the past couple months though. We've finally set dates in place and have a general game plan for the future." 

"Did you like the songs you sang in One Direction?" I ask, unable to contain myself. 

A thoughtful look spreads on Harry's face. His lips upturn slightly and his shoulders lose the tenseness they previously held. 

"I did," he ultimately says. "I think the media likes to say how much I hated being in the band and how I was tortured with singing those songs but in all honesty, it was a great experience. I loved the boys and the songs were great. Overall, it was just fun and a big learning experience. I wouldn't have changed it for anything in the world." 

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