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The car is uncomfortably silent as I drive Emma and me home. My fingers tap on the steering wheel in a weak attempt to try to release some of the pent-up energy that I have. To say I'm anxious right now would be an understatement. I wouldn't say that I deal with anxiety often, but when I do it completely consumes me. Recently, I've been struggling with it a lot. 

I had told Emma that Harry would be coming over tonight before we left. She seemed overly excited but she tried to suppress it as she realized I wasn't nearly as excited as she is. I mean, how could I be? He ignored me and let me stew in my thoughts for weeks

I exhale heavily as I turn the corner to my block, and then pull into the driveway. Harry's SUV sits out front already, beside the mailbox. I could only imagine what he's talking about with my family. I know that they're mad at his behavior but at the same time, they adore him. I wouldn't be surprised if they're talking his ear off right now, pretending like everything is fine between us. 

"Amy?" Emma says. I blink a couple of times and look at her. "Are you going to get out of the car now?" 

I laugh awkwardly and undo my seatbelt. 

"Yeah, sorry, I just got caught up in my thoughts," I mutter. 

The two of us exit the car - one that my parents let me borrow so I could work - and I lock it as we walk to the front door. Taking a deep breath, I open the door, Emma following me. 

Laughter and talking fill the air. Charlie giggles at something and Mom cackles loudly. I furrow my eyebrows as Emma and I walk to the living room, where everyone is seated on the couches and chairs. All of their smiles falter slightly when they see me, causing uncomfortable tension in the room. It almost irks me too because it seems as if I'm the one that's causing it when in reality it should be Harry. 

"Hey," Harry says, awkwardly. 

His coat is off revealing the grey long-sleeve he has on, and his long hair falls just below his shoulders in loose ringlets. He looks adorable right now, all dressed down - no, wait. I'm mad at him. I can't be thinking about how he looks. 

"Hi," I respond. I take my eyes off Harry and turn to my parents. "Do you mind if I borrow Harry for a minute?" 

"I mind!" Charlie yells.

 I send him a glare from where he strains to look at me from the couch, a pleading look in his eyes. 

"Not at all, Amelia," Mom tells me, smiling warmly. 

Harry stands up and before anyone can say anything else, he follows me out of the room to where I lead him upstairs. 

We take a turn into the first room on the right. Suddenly, I'm very grateful that I cleaned my room this morning. Sometimes it's a wreck but I was cleaning nonstop to try and contain my nervous and stressed-out energy.

"I like the color of your walls," Harry comments once he follows me in. 

I look at the pale grey color. That's the first time I've ever heard someone compliment my wall color. Actually, that's the first time I've heard someone compliment any wall color. 

"Thanks?" I say, it coming more out like a question than a statement. 

I sit down on my bed, scooting back towards the wall so I can lean against it. Harry sits gingerly at the end of the mattress, facing me at an angle. He runs a hand through his hair, distress clearly showing on his face. 

"I just want to say I never stopped thinking about you while I was gone," Harry breaks the awkward silence that surrounds us. 

My heart lurches and my chest feels constricted. I wasn't prepared to just be thrown into my feelings like this. I had no time to think about how I would react or think about what I would say. I thought there would be a little lead-up to his arrival, if there was one.

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