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"Have you talked to Louis lately?" Harry asks me. 

The two of us are currently in the studio, waiting for the rest of Harry's band and Jeff to arrive. They were all invited to Saturday Night Live so while in New York, they decided to work on the album a little bit more. I thought it was just about complete already but Harry wanted to run a couple more things by them. 

"A little bit," I tell Harry. "We don't talk frequently but we do on occasion. We were just last week." 

Harry smiles from where he sits next to me on the black, leather couch. I close my laptop and place it besides me so I can adjust my body to face Harry better. He does the same with his notebook. 

"I'm glad you're still enjoying your birthday present," Harry tells me. 

Oh boy am I ever, I think. That night was so incredible. Sometimes I think I dreamt it all but the occasional text from Louis reminds me that is really happened.

"It was one of the best gifts. It's still so surreal that I'm talking to Louis Tomlinson. I never thought in a million years that we'd be friends," I answer. 

"I bet you also never thought you'd be dating the handsome and incredible Harry Styles either," Harry says cockily. I roll my eyes at the huge grin plastered on his face. 

"Well no but Louis is...Louis," I respond. 

I sigh dramatically and hold a hand to my heart. 

"Is he still your favorite member of One Direction?" Harry asks.

I raise my eyebrows out of amusement, a smile dancing on my lips.

"I suppose it depends on the day..." I tease him. 

Harry reaches forward and rests his hand on my cheek, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach. I can't quite figure out what he's up to but then he then adjusts his position so he's inches away from me. Leaning in, he brings his face close to mine so our noses touch. 

"Be careful who you say your favorite is because Louis doesn't get to kiss you like I can," Harry says, causing my breath to hitch in my throat. 

My skin grows hot as he brushes his lips against mine. I'm just about to fully lean in to kiss him but he pulls away with a satisfied look on his face from making me hot and flustered. 

"Harry," I complain. I sink down into the couch. 

"You teased me first, remember that," He says, laughing to himself. I pout.  "Now come on, baby, I want to play you something." 

Harry stands up and holds his hand out for me to take. Slowly, I grab it in mine and he leads me behind the glass wall in the room to the actual recording area. Memories flood my mind from when Harry first played me 'Sign of the Times'. It feels like yesterday when in reality it was six months ago.

"I'll take the stool if you'd like to sit at the piano bench," he says to me. 

I nod and Harry lets go of my hand. While I take a seat at the bench with my back to the piano, Harry grabs his guitar off of its stand and sits in front of me on the small stool. I smile when I see the guitar I got him for his birthday. The painting is even more extravagant than I thought. I had only seen it in pictures prior to now. 

"Oh wow, it looks amazing," I say, admiring the guitar. 

Harry smiles and looks down at it, blushing slightly. 

 "I love it," Harry tells me. "It's absolutely beautiful. I'm going to take it on tour with me."

I smile at the idea of Harry bringing it with him around the world. It's like he's bringing a piece of me with him.

"I started writing this one a little while ago. I - uh - well I like to write my feelings and when I was admiring you one day, the melody popped into my head," he tells me. I can tell he's nervous by the way he stumbles over his words. 

My mind races as Harry begins picking at the strings on his guitar. It's a sweet sound. I can't quite place it but it has an airy feel to it that just makes me happy. But my happiness only grows as I listen to Harry's lyrics. 

"Sweet creature," He sings. "Had another talk about where it's going wrong..."

The entire time I sit there, I find myself mesmerized by Harry's words. The song is beautiful in itself, but the actual lyrics strike me. I suppose it has something to do with the fact that Harry alluded to the fact that I inspired him to write the song. I feel conceited for even thinking that, but he quite literally just told me he thought of it while he was "admiring" me. 

I wonder when that was. I've caught Harry staring at me a couple of times but I can't help but wonder when this exact moment was. Perhaps it was while we took a stroll in his garden in London, or maybe it was when we were making breakfast together in California. 

I'm at a loss for words when Harry finishes. He doesn't look me in the eye right away, but when he does I sense all kinds of emotions behind his gaze. He just told a story of an imperfect perfect relationship. It doesn't overly romanticize love, but it speaks of the complications and nuances that occur in a real relationship. 

"Harry, it's beautiful," I whisper. "How did you - when did you-"

"We were in London," Harry explains, cutting me off. "It was the day after we got into the argument. I woke up early and you were still asleep in my arms. I found myself just...admiring you; how beautiful you looked even while you were asleep and how happy you made me feel. I realized then that no matter what comes between us, like arguments or our own stubbornness getting in the way of things, that you always bring me back home. I don't mean physically but..you give me that sense of security and safety and just love.

"We're not perfect, Amelia, but I think in it's own way that's exemplary." 

I find myself lost in Harry's gaze. I might be an English major, but this man has a way with words that I'll never have. I think it's because his heart is so big and pure. The world doesn't deserve Harry Styles. I don't deserve him.

"Harry, I lo-" 

"Hello! We have arrived!" An overly loud Mitch exclaims, cutting me off from my profession.

Harry quickly turns around. Mitch and his band come in, their eyes widening when they see the position Harry and I are in. Mitch's eyes widen and his face turns red. 

"I - did I interrupt?" he nervously asks. 

Harry and I both sigh in response. Maybe it wasn't meant to happen now. But will there ever be a right time?


I almost didn't add the Sweet Creature part in because I didn't want it to seem too cliché but I HAD to lol Also I'm not trying to say what it's about but this is just for my story :) 

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