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Happy Easter, Passover, Orthodox Palm Sunday, and anything else you celebrate (I'm sorry if I forgot one). I hope you had a nice day :) It's a little bit weird now but hopefully everything will calm down soon.



"So you have five siblings?" Robin asks.

Him, Gemma, Harry, Anne and I are sat in the dining room around the table. Anne made a really extravagant meal of chicken and a variety of vegetables and side dishes, which we ate in record time. Now we're loitering, just enjoying each other's company and making conversation. 

"Four," I say. "Although it feels like I have 20 because of how high strung they are..."

"I couldn't imagine having three other Harry's," Gemma comments. "One is plenty."

"Harry was a handful," Anne mutters. 

Harry scoffs, looking around the table with wide eyes at his family. 

"I didn't bring Amelia here so that you all could shit on me," he half-jokes. 

"Oh lighten up, dear. It's all in good fun," Anne replies, a smile on her face. 

I can't help but laugh at the friendly banter. This entire night has been filled with laughter and just overall good conversations. 

I can't believe how nervous I was when we first got here. I should have assumed it would be something like when I first met Anne. Nerve-wracking at first but solely for the reason that it's the first time we're meeting. The lead up is usually always worse than the event itself.

"So do you two have any plans for tomorrow?" Anne asks Harry and I. "I was thinking I could borrow Amelia for a girls day with Gemma and I. We talked about it a little last time we were together." 

Harry shakes his head.

"I don't think we're doing anything," he says. He reaches discreetly under the table and places his hand on my knee, giving it a squeeze of reassurance. 

"Great! Well, Amelia if you'd like maybe you and Harry could meet us here and then you, Gem, and I can spend the afternoon together? It'll be a girls day," Anne says to me with an excited smile on her face.

"I'd love that," I answer, returning the smile.

I remember our conversation vividly from when she came out to California. I don't recall ever mentioning it to Harry, but I remember how warmed I was by her gesture and how I looked forward to it so much. I just didn't think the day would come so soon. 

"Are we going to the bakery?" Gemma asks, resting an elbow on the table while she side glances at Harry. 

"No," Harry replies quickly.

"Oh come on, Harry. Amelia's your girlfriend. Don't you want her to see where you started?" 

"Yes, but-"

"Then I don't see what the big deal is." 

"The big deal is his picture is hanging front and center in the shop from when he was just 16 years old," Anne chimes in. 

"You haven't seen it before?" Robin asks me. He adjusts the glasses on the bridge of his nose. "I figured it would have been all over social media."

I shake my head. Maybe I saw it a while ago but I can't remember. I'm sure Emma has seen it, and probably Shannon, so I wouldn't be surprised if one of them showed me a while ago. I haven't gone out of my way to look for it though.

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