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Picking an outfit proved to be more difficult than I expected. Every time I thought I found something I liked, I wound up changing due to stupid reasons. Either my jeans weren't the right color or my shirt didn't fit comfortably. I've never been terribly self-conscious about the way that I look, but tonight is an exception. All of my negative feelings are amplified. 

Eventually, and with a little help from Shannon, I manage to pull something together, though.

I feel somewhat okay in it I guess. She lent me a short, black skirt and a muted maroon deep v-neck. It's very different than my normal style which is probably why I'm a bit uncomfortable. She told me I look 'hot' though which helped ease my worries a bit, but I'm still nervous that every time I shift around or move I'll flash a boob. 

I've also added a couple of accessories to it, like a necklace, earrings, my usual rings, and a couple of bracelets. Everything clinks together whenever I move reminding me of those ASMR channels I've seen. 

I was going to wear my hair up today, also, but Shannon talked me out of it. I thought it was too frizzy to do anything with but she took a curling iron to it and after an hour of just working on my hair, it falls down my back in loose curls that almost border on waves. 

Although I feel like an entirely different person that has no idea what to do or how to act, at least I look good - or so I've been told. 

I'm checking myself out in the mirror while fixing my makeup when my phone buzzes on my bed. I already know who it is without needing to check, but nevertheless, I walk over and glance down at it. 

Harry: I'm here, love :) I'm right outside

I nervously chew on the inside of my cheek and type back a quick response, telling him I'll be right out. 

My heart beats erratically in my chest while I scurry around, putting random things into my clutch that I might need today, such as lipstick and my wallet. 

"Shannon!" I yell out as I step into a pair of heels. 

Fuck, these are uncomfortable. I bought them last year for when I went out for my 21st birthday and never wore them since. They haven't been properly broken in. 

I turn around when I hear Shannon come in my room. She smiles at me in satisfaction because of how I look. 

"Well?" I ask. I hold my arms out and do a small spin. 

"Perfect," she tells me, raking her eyes up and down my body. "Your boobs look amazing. I'm sure Harry will have you pinned down beneath him within an hour or two - "

"Okay," I cut her off, my cheeks heating up. "That won't be happening. We're just friends." 

Shannon huffs but doesn't reply to that particular comment. 

"Well you look good. Call me if there's an issue or anything okay? I might go out with Alex later but I'll answer if you call," she says. 

I nod and grab my phone and clutch after giving myself a once over in the mirror. 

"Thanks," I murmur. "And thank you for the help getting ready."

"No problem. You needed it," she laughs. 

I laugh with her, but I don't respond. 

Shannon walks me to the door and I give her a tight smile as I hastily make my exit, not wanting Harry to wait any longer than he has to. 

My mind spins as I walk through my apartment building. I'm anxious for tonight, but also excited. I still don't know exactly where Harry is taking me but I do know that it's some club downtown. I'm curious as to which one he's thinking of because I can name a few that are very exclusive and upscale. I would assume he's taking us to one of those. 

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