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"Amelia!" I sing, walking out of my bedroom.

I see the door to the spare room cracked open slightly so I walk down to it, knocking before I pop my head in. Amelia stands in front of the closet mirror, trying desperately to blend concealer into her neck with this sponge egg thing. I can't help but laugh, causing her head to snap over in my direction.

"It's not funny," she groans, turning back to the mirror.

I open the door fully and walk into the room, briefly looking around. Amelia's clothes and belongings are spread out on the bed since she doesn't sleep in here anymore. I told her she could use an extra drawer in my dresser but I think she likes having her own space. I'm not complaining though. I'm just happy she stays with me at night.

I reach Amelia and wrap my arms around her waist and rest my head on her shoulder. She smiles, looking at me through the mirror.

"Are you ready for the big chop?" she asks the dreaded question.


"It's now or never," I opt to respond.

I have been dreading the day I cut my hair for years. It's been something I have been itching to do, especially since One Direction went on hiatus. But there is still this fear inside of me holding me back. I honestly probably wouldn't be so determined to do it if it weren't for the support I have from my family, friends, and of course Amelia. It's a bigger deal to me than it probably should be. 

I guess that's what happens when your image is important for work. Sometimes I feel like people care more about what I look like than what I do for work. I wonder if people would still like my music if I didn't look like that way that I do...Not that I think I'm necessarily attractive or anything, I think I'm okay looking at best, but apparently a lot of people swoon over me.

"I'll be ready to leave in a second. I'm just trying to cover these," Amelia tells me, pointing to her neck.

"Sweetheart, Mum won't notice. And she's not even staying here so you just have to put up with her for the hair cut and maybe dinner after," I say to comfort her but she frowns.

"Why isn't she staying here?" she asks, looking at me through the mirror. 

"She probably doesn't want to hear us get all hot and steamy - "

"Harry," Amelia cuts me off, her face turning deep red. Her eyes widen in horror at the statement coming out of my lips. 

I chuckle and plant a kiss on her cheek.

"I'm kidding," I half-lie. "She's staying with a friend. She said she wanted a couple girls nights with her or something along those lines. I think she's sick of me from the holidays."

Amelia giggles and relaxes her shoulders a bit.

"You're sure it's not because I'm here?" she asks me, shyly.

I nod my head.

"I'm sure. She's really excited to meet you," I say.

I've been blabbing about Amelia for a while now to my mum and sister. I think they're sick of listening to me but both of them are looking forward to meeting her. Unfortunately Gemma couldn't come today, but I hope sometime soon they can meet. I think they'd really get along.

"I'm excited to meet her, too," Amelia tells me.

She smiles at me through the mirror, causing my heart to jump. I haven't had feelings this strong in a long time. I am completely and utterly smitten with her and I only hope she feels the same way.

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