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Ah yes, a POV change. It's time lol



Emma came running into my arms so fast I thought I was going to fall over. Several faces whip over to us from her screaming my name, but I don't pay much attention to them. I know Amelia is a little wary about attention, but I just don't see that happening here. Most of the people either seem too old to care or too young to know who I am. I had a suspicion Emma only knew about me because of Amelia, and I feel like I may be right given that none of her teammates seem fazed over my presence. 

"I knew Amelia said she was friends with you, and I knew we talked but this is just...wow," Emma breathes when she pulls away. 

I grin at the smaller version of Amelia. I definitely see the similarities - same eyes, same freckles, same nose. The only major difference is their hair - Emma's is significantly lighter than Amelia's, bordering on a natural platinum blonde color. 

"I have heard so much about you," I say to the girl. She smiles wider than I thought imaginable, causing me to grin. 

A whistle abruptly sounds and Emma turns towards the field, frowning slightly. 

"I need to leave, but promise we can hang out later?" Emma pleads, turning back to face me. Her eyes are wide with desperation as she silently begs me. 

I hold out my pinky. 

"I promise," I say. 

She grins again as her small pinky wraps around mine. She then scampers away, blushing profusely. 

"I think she's in love," Amelia sighs, holding a hand over her heart.

I glance over at her and can't help but smile at Amelia's expression as she watches her sister join her teammates. I can tell she's close with her family already and it's only been a couple of minutes. They strike me as the type of family that has always been a very close-knit unit. I reckon they have, or had, family suppers every night and watch sporting events together. Perhaps they even had family game nights. Mine does that occasionally during the holidays. 

I'll admit that I was surprised when Amelia asked me to meet her family. She had claimed it was her sister's idea, but I don't think she would have asked me if she really didn't want me to come. I take this as a small victory in the right direction of hopefully pursuing things further with her. 

I've been a bit antsy since I asked Amelia out on a date, and subsequently got let down. I don't go slow with relationships - that's just not how I work, but I'm willing to try for Amelia. I was so taken aback when she asked if I wanted to get drinks with her when she came to my hotel room, as opposed to just wanting to come up to my room, that I knew right then and there she was different. She offered to pay and everything, and the night was so enjoyable that I wanted more. I didn't just want a quickie like I had previously thought - I wanted more. She infiltrated all my thoughts and I couldn't fucking get her out of my mind. I didn't know what it was about her, and in some ways, I still don't, but she's special. 

I know she's scared though of pursuing something other than friendship. She hasn't told me why, but I can tell she's nervous about moving too fast. Of course, I would never pressure her into doing something she doesn't want, and if she really doesn't want to date me then I'll just have to accept that, but every now and then I catch glimmers of hope. I'll catch her staring fondly at me or she'll blush over small compliments. I get the feeling she wants to explore more with us but is hesitant for whatever reason. 

Part of me wonders if it's because of me. Usually, the fame reels people in, but maybe it scares Amelia. It's either that or she had something happen to her prior which is why she's negligent to delve into things. I know she mentioned something about not being able to love and I'm desperate to find out why.

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