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Do you know who you are?

We need to talk about this ^^ Like how is everyone doing? Are we prepared for the next album? and wHEN IS IT DROPPING?? I saw a theory it'll drop November 9th but I don't know how true that is 

[edit: It is now well after the album came out and I realize how frantic everyone was for the lead up lmfao. Thank you, Harry]



It's a mixture between the sun shining directly into my eyes and the banging of pots and pans in the kitchen that wakes me up. I didn't remember falling asleep in my living room, so I'm confused as can be when I finally come to. But then it dawns on me. I'm not at home. I'm in Harry's hotel room. 

Sitting up, I rub my eyes and glance over to the kitchen area. Harry stands over the stove, busily working on cooking whatever. His hair is pulled back into a bun and he is clad in a navy blue robe. I can't help but smile, although I wish I remembered falling asleep here. This isn't how I imagined our first date going. 

I sleepily get up from where I am sat and quickly try to smooth out my hair as I pad towards Harry. He doesn't even notice me walk over to him until I join his side and lean into him so my head rests against his arm. 

"Good morning, darling," he greets me, cheerily. 

Oh no. He's a morning person. 

"Oh God," I groan. "I can't deal with morning people."

Harry chuckles. 

"I can't help it. I like to watch the world wake up. There's something peaceful about it," he comments. 

Although I'm groggy, my heart still flutters. I absolutely love what a softie he is. I don't know what I imagined Harry Styles being like, but this certainly wasn't it. 

I stand here for a minute, watching Harry cook eggs. He doesn't ask me to move, but I can tell he's struggling to cook with me latched onto his side so I opt to break away and watch from a distance. 

"I didn't even realize that I fell asleep," I tell Harry as he prepares two plates of food for the both of us. 

"Neither did I," He laughs. "I think we both just kind of...passed out at the same time. Food coma, as they say." 

It's true. We wound up watching about three movies last night, which subsequently meant more snacks for us. He's probably right that we both went into a deep food coma state. I haven't eaten that much in a while, and I know for a fact Harry hasn't either. It was only a couple months ago when he told me he rarely eats sugar. Surprisingly though, he wasn't hyper or anything. My brothers would have been bouncing off the walls. 

"I'm sorry for overstaying," I mutter. 

Harry looks up at me and furrows his eyebrows. 

"Don't be sorry," he tells me seriously. "You didn't overstay. I really like spending time with you, Amelia."

I can't explain it, but just something about how he says it makes me genuinely believe it. Sometimes when people tell me not to be sorry, it's more of a courtesy but Harry is genuine and I appreciate that. It comforts me. So I nod and decide not to touch on the topic anymore. 

Harry takes the two plates of food and brings them to the table. I follow and take a seat, him planting himself across from me. 

"You know, I must say I like this whole robe look you have going on," I tell Harry once we start eating. 

He laughs as I take a bite of my perfectly scrambled eggs. 

"It's the hotel's robe and it's surprisingly comfortable. I can get you one if you'd like. Normally they have two in a suite like this, so I don't know why they don't - "

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